Wednesday, April 30, 2014



Isn't nature wonderful! !

WOW I sure impressed Dr. Nolte.  I have improved so much and I told him I felt very well.  He knows my determination and was very pleased.  He still wants me to continue with my tests especially the M.R.I. of the brain which he still sees as may be a problem.
WOW what a beautiful day it was, warm enough to finally sit outside. 
Dad was able to cement his pole in so that was good.  I am concerned about him because he has no appetite and is losing weight which may be a sign of old age like me!  His blood pressure is staying way down so I wonder if he needs the pills but he needs to check with the doctor.

Dad had a walk in the park on Monday and we walked a little ways around the pond.  His feet are still very painful but he likes to work on his projects once he gets an idea in his mind.

I feel very strongly that prayer has been a big part of my healing.  I am so thankful!


Sandra said...

I thought you had already had a couple of brain scans? When does Ricky arrive? Should be a perfect day out there today, it will be soooooo hard to concentrate at work. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I have had one brain scan and will wait for a M.R.I. will which be months from now. It was a real shame the appointment with the neuolorgist was a complete screw up maybe we would have learned more.

I am sure you are too excited to concentrate at work. I guess you have Thurs. and Friday off.

I do not know if Leah is coming today and I may go over and help at the rummage sale although I would not vote for one but I know we also help others by passing things on for good causes. Such a lot of work. Good job we have a few very energetic people there.

nancy-Lou said...

You deserve a lot of credit Beth. for your strong determination to improve your health. Isn't that wonderful...the doctor really noticed it! Keep up the good work.

I am glad they are doing an MRI, they are a lot better in showing things than the CT scan.

We had an excellent visit with a new doctor, today, who is a specialist in sleep apnea. She knew some family members and has a cottage here, so there was a great connection. Carl tried to downplay the sleep apnea thing...but she listened to me and has him on a short list for an overnighter at the sleep lab. I am so relieved as I know how serious it is....he sleeps 22 hours a day, to make up for the poor sleep at night.

Well, Beth, enjoy your careful! I will take my little guys later on as they stayed home all by themselves today. My son came and gave them a potty break.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Leah just stopped as she had been visiting Howard for 4 hours. Sounds like she was very helpful and he even stayed awake

Rick arrives tonight about 8.

I have made an appointment with the dr. for dad. At the doctor's office he weighed 145 and he is not eating well and says he has no appetite.

I think his meds. should be checked.

Now he tells me it is 155 but that is low for him.

Getting your sleep is so important and I sleep okay but wake up far too early usually about 3 and try to just rest until at least 4.

We have to keep looking after each other.

love beth