Sunday, April 20, 2014


What an exciting day for the children!  I remember the fun of hiding the eggs and the joy of seeing the children find them.
Jesus is alive!  How quickly that joy was shared by all those who had experienced His love and compassion.  Unbelievable !  Yes He had joined the land of the living as His words promised. 

"Remain in Me and I will remain in you"   -John 15

What the believers were given was a spiritual awakening and a secret that would fill their hearts with joy!

"Easter itself is about Life!  The feast of risen life, of new life, the feast of hope and triumph."
-Archbishop Michael Miller in the Van. Sun. 

Everything beautiful is caught up in this moment from the awesome rainbow, a majestic mountain, the beauty in each budding flower, the rising if the sun and the setting of the moon, the heavens full of stars and the endless flow of stream and ocean to the gift of a new born baby.  Our hearts are captured and filled with love and awe and wonder.

I am looking forward to joining our faith community and reliving this moment of pure joy from the past.  I am looking forward to being with our family knowing that there is a bond of love between us all. 


Sandra said...

I forgot to send Lincoln and Simone something for their first Easter! Oh dear, I think I am failing grama 101. That is what happens when I am focused on my garden. Have a nice mooring at church and see you afterwards. Sandra

Shandel said...

You have them coming for a visit. do Easter over again ! haha. so cute.

love those quotes Grandma Beth.

Anonymous said...

I got a cheese cake egg ?? Kids had a great time at Nona's . I had some pasta before work. Late night with late flights .