Wednesday, April 9, 2014


“Real joy comes from not from ease or riches or from the praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile.”   - W. Grenfell
Anytime dad and I spend time with our family we consider it very worthwhile.  Having a visit with Oliver and his friend John proved to be one of those times.  It is amazing to see their friendship so strong after many many years.
Oliver seems very happy with his job at the Coast Guard and is taking further courses to improve further advancement.  First aid was one of them and we cannot remember the other.  He stopped in to see us before he leaves to ride the surf in Mexico where he will be camping and surfing.
Yes this is an old picture I forgot to take a picture but he is still just as handsome as ever.

Dad had a worthwhile day, going for his walk, putting out a few items for junk day and building a little shelf for the shade deck.  Most of the junk that he put out has been picked up all ready, and that is good to see.

Tuesday we went to visit Gordon who is in care now.  He and dad had several good visits driving to the airport.  He loves airplanes and we had several books to take to him.

I want to go and see Ben in a play at Chilliwack but dad feels I am not good enough.  I may see if I can get into the doctor and get an inhaler.  I know dad is worried about me.  Dad is tired and his feet hurt.  I am suppose to lead our bible study to-day but it is over at 2.  Very difficult study but will try to focus on the positive.

Only one  more week until my big scan and then waiting for the results!!


Sandra said...

It sounds very fun, I would love to be able to see Ben in the play as well. Once again working for a living gets in the way of life. I have to start buying lottery tickets. Well, I am sure you will make the right decision and not do too much. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Oliver sure is handsome young man! It looks as if he inherited the "Ateah hair" curly and lots! They never go bald that is for sure. Glad to hear you had a good visit with him.

Yes, Beth, just take it easy for now, until you get over your upcoming tests and get some positive help for your tiredness and unsteadiness.

Is your bible study group still studying Revelations? I could never understand it.

Walking is such a great way to get in shape isn't it? Since the weather became warmer and the dogs and I are able to get out for a good 40 minute walk every day, I am feeling sore, but so much stronger. I am hoping the sore muscles will be done with after a couple of weeks.

We were in the city all day, so I will take them for a shorter walk this evening.

It was a beautiful day today...the first one. 12 degrees, but a cold front went through and it is 2 now. They are calling for snow showers on Saturday.

Take care,love,

beth bennett said...

Thanks. I want to keep walking because once you stop I get so weak and depressed.

I cannot believe Nancy you are getting more snow. It was lovely here today.

Yes we are still studying that strange book and I worked really hard on my lesson. Ended up in hospital because of fatigue and shortness of breath. Just wrote a new blog now I am home and everything is fine.

So we carry on I guess.

Love beth

Anonymous said...

Good to see olive remake the time to see you guys.