Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The past effects and leaves it’s marks on all our lives.
Moments of sharing and caring.  Morgan does the honors and takes some pictures for me.  Ben was a good sport and gave a monologue on his play that I had missed going to.  I even picked out the bad person in this mystery play, which was full of many different characters, and each had to admit where they were at the time of the crime.  So to solve the mystery the past had to be brought to life.  Secrets were brought to life and anger and resentment exposed.

For Christians Easter is not just one day but an accumulation of past events that also stirred up anger against this innocent man.  Lent is the time before Easter where we read and immerse ourselves in the story.  The last week involves services called Ash Wed. a time of sorrow for the sins of the world and our own sinfulness.  Next comes Maude Thursday which we remember that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to show humility and service, Good Friday the agony of death is like the suffering we all will face which ends in death.  What lays ahead for his disciples?  What lies ahead for each one of us.
They would become strong men of courage and faith each with a destiny of their own.

"I was dead and look--I am alive forever and ever," says the glorified Jesus in Revelation.

"God is not to be confined-especially not to action or events in the past."  -The Hidden Jesus

He cannot be confined by time or space!

For dad and I Thursdays was a difficult and frustrating day.  I was treated like a senile person and asked questions that involved knowing certain simple articles, remember three words at the end of the interview and spelling backwards when I have trouble spelling correctly.  Yes, I am glad I have passed these tests and even though our questions were not answered this deeply  buried fear was.

Dad worked very hard all day but I mainly rested except for a visit with Gundy.  The Mormons are very nice and she was feeling neglected so she went to church with them.  It is Easter so being a Catholic she thought she should go to church, she made one Catholic friend but she has broken her leg and that's all I know.
I will make an effort to visit her every second week like I was doing.  Yes, the last time I had visited I suggested she come and visit me but . . . .


Sandra said...

That is a nice picture of you and Kimberly. Very blah day out there, but no rain so me and the dogs will head out for our morning constitutional. Sandar

Anonymous said...

I hope they don't give me a backwards spelling test , I think I would fail.