Thursday, April 17, 2014


I do ‘s not know how anyone gets to work on time.  Lots of traffic heading into Van. as we travel to White Rock.  A rainy misty day.

Dad and I arrived at the hospital in good time and then had to wait for me to drink a huge drink, not one of  Shandel’s  good tasting shakes.  Then waited for an hour and had a big glass of water, making me feel like a cow that needs milking. 
I felt better covered in a wonderful warm blanket and then it was time to glide into the tunnel.  The same man telling me to hold my breath and then let it go.  Then some an injection into my arm and back sliding into the tunnel.  I do not expect anything from these tests but I want a thorough investigation.
Here I am as we leave standing under the Volunteer’s sign.  Both dad and I put in about 7 years each volunteering there.   I had some amazing experiences visiting and praying for the residents there.  I saw the same people week after week at the long care ward and I made some good friends.
Back home where Leah arrived as we watched the funeral of Mr. Jim Flaherty so encouraging to here a Canadian politician spoke of so highly both by his co-workers and by his family.  Such a shame when he was just beginning a new life of retirement.

Leah did a great job of cleaning up all the dirt I had tracked in from outside and hid under the carpet.  Maybe butler’s can do a good job of telling all  and I think maybe some one who cleans up your messes can too.

Thankful for our frozen dinner and now dad is watching hockey.

Hope to go for a short walk in the morning before we head out to New Westminster.  My question I keep asking dad now is what time do we have to leave to be on time?  I keep forgetting his answer.  There is the time you have to be there and then the time you have to come ahead of time for.  I am writing this Wed. night and I will soon be going to bed. 

Now it is morning so good morning to you all!  Another early morning for me, can't sleep.
A walk then it is off to White Rock and then New Westminster.


Shandel said...

Cameron would agree with you this morning about a yucky drink. lol i made a different concoction of green smoothie and decided to toss in a lemon and it has not mixed well with the grapes hahah oh well its detoxifying and will be soon gone. he is currently drinking with his nose plugged haha what a good man!

Glad your appointment went well. Waiting for the results hopefully isnt too nerve racking, sounds like you feel very positive about it and i think we should all keep in that same state of mind.

Cameron is waiting to hear back from one of his first job interviews and is quite excited about it. he will have a simulated driving test to come if he is called back :D

OH and we got more snow today.....shame on SPRING lol Daisy is getting her fur all shaved off for Spring and Summer. hope she isnt too cold on our walks may have to put her little coat on..... Love to you!

nancy-Lou said...

What lovely uplifting messages you write Shandel! So warm and thoughtful.
Now that was a good test to get behind you...drinking yucky stuff and getting a is all behind you now!
I didn't know you and Larry volunteered at the hospital all those years...that is a large amount of time. I am sure you saw and heard many sad things. Good for the both of you!
I would like to do that too..can't right now as I have to look after Carl, here at home. He has so many doctor appointments and tests and surgeries coming up. This is when I wish we lived in Winnipeg as each one takes a whole day, travelling there and back. Otherwise I would never want to leave here. We won't...we will just put up with the expense of gas etc and driving.

I hope you got your walk in this morning and your doctor visit today goes well! I am confident Larry will get you there in good time!

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Sounds like a very full day. I hated that drink too. Very nasty stuff. I had a early mothers day surprise in the mail yesterday, Cameron and Shandel sent me a gift card to my favorite nursery, so I will not have to steal all of your plants after all! Sandra

Anonymous said...

We had a nice day yesterday went to the city and walked around. We met FElicia and Pella and their kids as well . We we had Alley with us as she had slept over . Anyway day ended stopping at Costco for some fish shopping. Happy Good Friday to you. I hope your results are good.
Ken. Ps got your cards . Keep an eye out for ours , may get there next Tuesday. Lol

beth bennett said...

Dear Melina and Ken, Sounds like a good day for you.

Any card anytime is okay!

More tests are being ordered and they stretch out for months. See the doctor for results in July.

I am doing hard to improve my walking and I feel like I am succeeding.

Happy Good Friday to you. Usually go to church but I do not feel up to it right now.

Add more on the blog .

love mom