Wednesday, April 23, 2014


If only we all knew just how loved we really are!

It is wonderful to have the big group of us together but I often wished I had spent talking more one on one and I often hear a little bit here or a little bit there.  But we are a great noisy happy bunch.

Over the years it has been wonderful and exciting as new little ones have been added to our family.  I enjoyed watching Sandra bonding with Simone and Lincoln too as they talk and look at each other over Skype.

Yesterday day and I headed for Sunbury Lumber  but got all mixed up again on the choices before you come to River Road.  It turned out a nice day for a drive and we ended up at Costco where we always spend too much money.  I got some summer running shoes that were a good deal and dad loaded up with cereal.  I wanted to buy three geraniums not six so did not buy any at all.  I want to do my window box soon.
Dad has been too digging holes for posts to go for a walk but this is the place we went last week.
Called Mud Bay I think.  I love walking by the water although the wind can be chilly on a cool day.

First we past through the fields of grass and wild bushes until we come to the ocean.  Just one of the sources that flow into the might ocean.

Wisdom is finding the source of our strength
when we are losing much of what our strength has allowed us to do and be.

 If love is the source we can never lose that unless we harden our hearts and shut others out.

Today I have Jet Lag Bible study and of course could not find my study book which was hidden under some stuff of dad's.  A old pair of gloves actually that I got tired of looking at and decided to move and there was my book.

Love is the source, that is alive, the energy that transforms our lives and renews us when we are sad and weary.  Religion can view this in all different ways and in the stories of faith that has become apart of their life's journey.

Values that belong to the whole human race.

For me the joy of knowing I am not alone and that miracles still happen.  The joy I want to be able to continue to share.
The tide is away out and we can barely see all the birds sitting out there


Shandel said...

The ocean and the blue skies are such a sight to see. Thank you for your card you send. A thank you for a thank you! hahah its very lovely and you have wonderful handwriting. I enjoy reading beautiful handwriting. I will write you again, and dont feel you have to write back unless you want to. its just fun! :D

Today we have lots of rain, supposed to rain all day and lots heavy rain. No walking for us. Daisy doesnt enjoy it as much now that she has no hair. and i need to find me an umbrella. Still waiting for my very pregnant friend to have her baby. We have been walking over an hour everyday to encourage him to come out. her due date is next week but so far he is pretty comfy inside.
Have a great day lots of love.

Anonymous said...

I picked up Oliver and his friend Jordan at the airport around midnight last night. They had a nice surfing trip for two week in Mexico. After a quick sleep for everyone, I just dropped them off at the ferries. Still marking exams all week. Hope to see you guys soon. xo Panteli

Sandra said...

Did you have thunder and a downpour of rain last night? I sounds different being closer to the mountains. Randy would say I am being silly but it seemed to echo more. Have my dr appointment this morning. Almost headed off to work, forgot all about it. Sandra

larry bennett said...

What a great guy, picking them up, and getting them on their way early the next morning. What family is all about. Hope the marking is going OK.

Shandel said...

no thunder...i love thunder i look forward to thunder storms every year!
The down pour started maybe 4 am? its been raining all day.

nancy-Lou said...

Nice pictures of your ocean walk, Beth. It always smells so nice along the ocean...well except when there is a rotten fish!
Are you still studying Revelations with your study group?
We had a city day..Carl had to see a podiatrist and get some new prescription shoes. His feet and ankle are so difficult to fit.
There was a strong south wind which brought in a lot of migrating birds....we saw a great blue heron in the ditch and a kingfisher and a golden eagle and turkey vultures. The Ospreys are back in their nests, here at the beach. But we are getting rain and a wintry mix of rain and snow tomorrow night...oh oh!

love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Yes we heard the thunder very low.

Hope you are recovering from your cortizone shot Sandra in your finger.

The Easter card finally arrived and dad and I loved the pictures and the book mark and All the writing. They are up on our frig. now.

Yes we have one more lesson in Revelation and it is good we are a happy bunch. I am glad to be getting back to things. Do hope the shoes are a good fit.
love beth (m0m)