Monday, April 7, 2014


A cold wet drive into Burnaby Saturday to visit a car lot.

Lots of umbrellas out on the sidewalks.

Read this report in the Vancouver Sun:
Came home to read about Atheist who are making God anonymous in their A.A. meetings They admit their lives are failures and they are turning to a program to help them.  Coming together as a community seeking the same answers is good.  Confession, repentance and forgiveness and  honest and a conversion to spiritual awareness are the foundation of their program. 
Sounds a little like religion to me.

I believe we are all incomplete and insufficient, and in spite of those who claim independence  but often seek approval and success to build their lives upon.  Sharing needs and beliefs and learning compassion for others and being there for them when they feel alone is a good lesson to remember

We where reminded that the Breathe of God that can bring new life where there has been suffering and death.  We will always struggle to understand why there is injustice but we are to fight with compassion for justice in whatever way we can.

Thank you Shandel for the book.  From the title I am looking forward to reading it and I appreciate your  thoughtfulness.  I really enjoy reading as you know.  

After church dad and I went for a long walk in the forest as I had not gone far at all in the morning.

P4050761I think we may become chocolate alcoholics with our
wonderful chocolate from  Charlie's Chocolate Factory.
It was fun to be shown all about the making of chocolate and see all the huge eggs and bunnies.

Jane and Geof had driven in for church and it was good to see them.  There were about 10 children from about 14 months to about 12 years.  Wonderful to see the little ones as they love to dance to the music.  I believe if we have a happy experience at church when we are young it will have a lasting effect on us as we get older maybe.


Sandra said...

Sorry to not drop by with the book Shandel got for you. Randy and I, well me for sure, just don't work as fast as you use to. We were hoping to go out in the afternoon but did not make it. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Religion, faith, whatever you can call it, I am glad that they formed the AA, without God, for atheists.
Otherwise the door is shut for those, who seek help in their addiciton. Thanks for writing about it Beth. I have friends who have been "dry" with the help of AA, for many years. One who is a fairly recent recovered alcoholic, finds great support and comfort through our church. He never went to church until he started the AA program.

I forgot to say, on a previous post, what a lovely picture of you and Leah! Isn't she a caring Granddaughter to help out her grandparents? We don't see our one granddaughter very often and really miss her. She works long hours and does not live nearby.

Yum, those chocolates sound delicious! Dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you! my favourite.

Well, we will stay home today, do some housework and teach some piano lessons...tomorrow it is a city day and errands.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

I think chocolate is a kind of medicine.



nancy-Lou said...

Just re-read your previous blog regarding your car. We have to keep our huge Toyota Sienna van, because this is the only vehicle Carl can get in and it still is a struggle for him. We would love to buy a smaller car,to save on gas, but can't. I hope you find something suitable for both of you...good vision and accessibility.

love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Dad loves looking at cars and at car adds.

We are having lunch with our grandson Oliver today. He lives in Victoria and is on his way to

Most of our grand children are very busy too and also live further away.

We are very thankful for Leah coming to cheer us up and help around the place.

love beth