Sunday, April 13, 2014


Return from my early morning walk on Friday.  Sky still cloudy but there is a promise of sunshine.
So this message is for me to remember.

I am listening to all the good advice I am getting but will
finish doing all the tests because I have made that commitment to myself.

A tiny flower by a rock that I have to stop and take a picture of!  Hope that sun shoes away those clouds.  Dad is doing hard work in the garden and Carol suggested Neuragen which helps nerve pain.  He went and got some and it really helps his painful feet.  Good Advice!

I am listening and hearing a lot from  people who care about me.

I have had a lot of health problems but my body is very good, excellent in fact, in healing itself.  When I was told I had celiac I was told that I may not heal that I was too damaged.  But I did.

When I had my lung operation I also healed extremely quickly but it took slowly regaining my strength through walking and prayer.

Now I have a new challenge and I do not want to feel helpless but to feel fully alive to the extend that I can be.  I have a feeling that this will be my hardest challenge especially if I am limited in what I can do.  Like most people I want answers especially when it comes to health issues.

I believe sometimes you have to live with it but always keep trying to find solutions.  Poor health reminds us we are not in complete control and I believe we all want to be in control of our destiny and our lives.

As a child I never had a lot of energy, I could play hard but not as long as some others.  My mother worried about me when I was very pale and always though my blood was low.  But it was not.

I usually have my day planned and also the week ahead with things I want to do but may not do.  Dad has things planed that he wants to build in our yard which will look good I think.

Dad had a good day today but did make a lot of mess on himself.  Eating an egg sandwich he squirted the yoke all over his face, the table and his clothes.  Later at Sandra and Randy's he squirted mustard from his hot dog all over himself. 

I love the book Small Miracles for Families that you sent Shandel as it is a big encouragement to me and it has come at the right time just when I needed it.  Many thanks.

Every step towards healing  is a miracle!

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."  Ecclesiastes 3

 It is Palm Sunday a very happy day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey being praised and worshiped as the one who would free them from slavery!

No church, no breath, poor balance so no choice!


Sandra said...

You are at least very fortunate to have to take over in the garden for you since I have given up on it. More slogging away today for us. Lots to do and only 2 more weekends. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I will do a little in the garden instead of going for a walk and will walk with dad later.

Yes I know I must be positive and I will try,

Thanks for supper all very good and especially the cake. I cannot wait till lunch to have some maybe with blueberries which will make it healthy.

Do not overdo your gardening I hate to see you in pain.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Laughing at Larry, re: his "squirty day"...must have called for a couple of clothing changes! Happens to me all the time.

I, too, was pale and skinny as a child, but really healthy. My parents came up with the idea that I "needed a tonic"....well I hated that stuff. I have memories of them pinning me down on the living room floor and pouring that stuff down my mouth..YUK! Did you go through this too? Then there was the cod liver oil..thanks goodness they invented the capsule, the stuff from the bottle tasted awful.

How wonderful to have a garden helper in Larry...I wonder what he is planning to build for your yard?

Gardening here will likely not happen until June...we got fresh snow yesterday on top of the three feet we still is going to take a long time to melt. Temperatures this coming week are below freezing, even for the highs...very discouraging for all.

Palm Sunday, a special day for us....the journey begins. Have a great Sunday,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I remember that yuky medicine I was force to take.
He is going to build a new trellis bigger and better of course!

Missed church just not up to it which is too bad such a happy day.

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

You are wise to know when you are not up to things Beth...good for you!

A what do you have in mind to grow on it? Perhaps a CLematis?

I thought perhaps you got " the tonic " too....seems it was the thing for kids in those days.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Days off for me now. Watching the last Canuck game of the year. I hope Danial Sedin is ok.

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, finishing up all the tests is a good idea. Then you should have information.

I think I should call you and get caught up on the goings on.



Shandel said...

So happy you are enjoying the book,i knew you would when i spotted it.

I hope Sandy enjoys the one i sent for her too. Gardening is a passion for her and i adore that.