Sunday, April 6, 2014


Letting go of fear and worry and hanging on to the vine that is like the words of Jesus that say I am the vine.  Live in me and bear fruit.  The fruit for most of us is to be joyful and peaceful with the energy to enjoy life and to survive.

Fortunately we no longer lack for food and shelter, water and clothes to wear.  We like to be able to make decisions about what to do each day.

Hanging on to what is stronger than me and able to pour new strength and life into me and also letting go of the past mistakes. 

Saturday we drove in the rain to a car lot in Burnaby  Our newest car has been a little harder for us to drive and seems to have several blind spots.  A new mirror helps but dad is still not satisfied.  It is also a little hard to get in and out of especially for me.  But I do not think we need another car.

Besides Charlie's Chocolate Factory across the street look more interesting

Where we were shown around by Charlie himself.  He says all chocolate is GF except when there is filling or added ingredients.  I was disappointed he did not give us a taste because it smell so good and looked good.  We bought some that had ginger in it, a dark chocolate that should be good for you.

I had had my early morning walk and sent a little further but came home breathless but regained energy to do a  bit of more weeding in the garden but it is harder when you cannot balance.  It is really inch by inch gardening.  This too will be taken care of soon.  We came home and after having a bite to eat both had naps.
“I believe in the miracle of prayer” –Betty Rainy a dear old friend who has moved east but keeps in touch.  She has wit and willingness to live facing all that has to be faced which is now cancer.

Surrounded by the goodness of our family and lots of prayer has been a great blessing.  I like to think that we are all more connected than we realize.  The good thing about getting older is you do not need to worry about blemishes on your face, or laughing too loud or saying something stupid!  Letting go of perfection.

I love the words of Leonard Cohen's song "Anthem" that serves as a reminder to me when I try to be perfect.  The line is: "There is a crack in everything.  That's how the light gets in".


Sandra said...

Sounds like you had another busy day. Randy and I had just stepped in the house from working in the pouring rain when Mandi called asking if they could come over and use our shower. They had just painted their bathroom and it was not useable. Randy quickly ran out to get fixings for a barbecue. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Two days off now . Last of the early shifts for couple of weeks . Kids are all well , i have a sore throat and stuffy nose .

beth bennett said...

Take care of yourself Ken.
love mpm