Tuesday, April 29, 2014



I find the sky fascinating and mysterious. 
The sun is setting after a cloudy, rainy and sunny day.

"Mystery has great power " writes Nomi Remen, M.D. author of My Grandfather's Blessings.
The greatest power is the  blessing and inspiration that flows out of Mystery and gives us compassion and spiritual healing.

  I want  to be able to laugh at myself and hopefully always have a smile and a kind word.
I am so thankful for a nose that can smell and remind me that I put something on to cook and have forgotten all about it until I smell something!  It is so easy for me to burn things.

Dad was affirmed at our study group by others tell him how they see him.  He has blessed many with his stories and the caring and brave things he has done.  I am hoping and praying he will find some relief for the pain in his feet.

Yesterday I met one of my joggers who jogs by me each morning.  She tells me I am an inspiration to her and this blesses me and amazes me.  Her name is Carol and I have never spoken to her before but she was just coming out of her driveway and walked out to talk to me.  Imagine slow and unsteady me inspiring a healthy young person!

"Sometimes what causes us to slow down can also be a blessing."

"The heart has the power to transform experience."                                                                       

"Everyone and everything has a dimension of the unknown." 

"It means leaving room for the spirit allowing it to take us beyond disappointment.  It means there is a purpose even in our sickness.  The dimension of mystery allows for possibility to be present at all times"     All quotes by Nomi Remen

Off dad and I go to see my doctor for a follow up appointment today at 4:50.
I wish I could fast forward today.  Waiting for it to get light so I can go for a walk.


Sandra said...

You were up extra early today. I had a bad sleep, too excited and thinking about all I have to do. Have the dog food, baby food, pre race food for Michael John, so the most important people are taking care of!

Shandel said...

Your so wonderful Sandra! what a loving mother and friend.

Grandma Beth you inspire me as well! keep up that good work. and love those quotes. thank you for sharing. We finally have sunshine. yesterday was +15 and some wind. today looks bright and promising. Cameron is off to his first day of Orientation at FedEx. He is nervous/excited and ready to work. Hope his day goes well.
and yours too! positive thoughts

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, you inspire so many people with your daily blog and quotes...including me too! Thanks-you for all you do for us....you and Larry are such caring people.
I do hope Larry's pain is relieved...pain is so debilitating. It must be very frustrating to not be able to walk very far.
I wish you a good visit with your doctor today, with some good news to your health problems.
I am feeling very sad, because our wonderful family doctor is very ill....I heard yesterday he looks terrible and pray he will get well. He has a young family.
Today, I am off to Winnipeg to see the dentist...not my favourite thing to do, but she is very gentle. She must be a Sikh, she wears a black turban...not a huge one...just like a cap.
Take care, my friends, love to you both,

larry bennett said...

Hope your doctor gets well soon, and your visit to the dentist is not very distressing.
Hope you finally get some real summer weather - and the flooding is kept to a minimum.

beth bennett said...

I will add my thankfulness to the praise of Sandra. She is a wonderful help and support to dad and I.

I cannot wait to see Mary and Michael John and Simone.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Thanks for your kind wishes Larry....you and Beth are dear to me! We will have to meet one day! May come for a month to Vancouver Island next winter and if so, will most certainly drop in for a coffee on our way through Vancouver.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I got a good report from the doctor. WOW!

Anonymous said...

Great news on the dr report. Spring and warmer weather just around the corner. Good walking weather.