Friday, February 6, 2015


When heart/brain/body communication, it is associated with feeling of  emotions long associated with heart such as care, appreciation, compassion, love forgiveness and gratitude.  -Howard Martin
The heart sends measureable signals to the brain, which then responds. – Rollin McCraty
Wed. was a busy day.  I was off to U. C.W. where we discussed child poverty and wrote letters to the Prime Minister and out M.L.A.
Dad had his hormone shot with the big needle, which the doctor did while reading the instructions on how to do it.  Then dad felt like fish and chips at Speedy’s in Ladner.  We then had a walk down the streets of Ladner which has many quaint stores.


Another rainy day!

Salvation is about transformation.  Marcus Borg.

The root meaning of salvation is being saved or rescued.

Salvation is a biblical theme that describes the spiritual journey of the soul.
Salvation in the Jewish tradition was a political and economical as well as religious.
Salvation has been misused to mean being saved from hell.
Salvation is moving out of darkness into the light.  Light heals and transforms us.

Paul saw salvation as meaning freedom.

Thursday it was pouring rain in the morning but Kim puts on her boots and sets off with Haiti.  She does not seem to mind the rain. 

Dad gets up and is feeling a bit gray and we think it is his shots.  He is remembering why he hated them so much and this is just the beginning.  We sit eating our eggs in silence as big raindrops splash on the picnic table outside.

It is visiting day and as usual people are so pleased to see me.  Dad went for a short ride when the rain stopped but it soon started again and was pouring home on my drive home.


Sandra said...

No walking for me at work all week, too busy catching up. Once in a while when there was no rain I thought about it, but I wanted to be able to enjoy the long weekend and to do that I had to get all my work done.


nancy-Lou said...

Catch up! A good title for your always come up with creative things to write about Beth. I am sure it takes a lot of work to look up quotations, find interesting pictures, do some studying on things to write about and put in family news too!
It just takes us, your readers, a short time to read what it has taken you quite a while to create. I do appreciate it and am sure all your followers do too.

Soo catch up....yes that is something I need to do too...catch up on some things around the house...just being lazy these days.

We are going to catch up on snow in the next couple of days...could be a foot or so here. I love snow and it is A OK with me. Will take the dogs out for a walk as it is warmer..well that is relative..-16 right now.

Thanks for the explanation of what transformation means...salvation. Until recently I would have thought that too...but now I don 't think I need to be "saved" to go to that higher place.
It could just be another way for religion to keep us in our place. Sorry if that doesn't fit in with your thoughts...and I am not 100% sure about this...just questioning!
I like your honesty of thought and want to be honest too!
So why do I need to be transformed, or saved?
I have a strong faith in our creator....whatever he/she/it is called....I feel the spirituality of goodness. I feel it everywhere, especailly in nature. But religions are leaving me cold now...too much fear, dogma and false teachings. Perhaps it is my transformation, not to being saved, but becoming free.

I think maybe I should delete this because you may thing poorly of me...but I am strong and really appreciate your comments and thoughts too. Soooo here it is.

By the way, how is Jim?

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy I believe that Jesus taught us to be free or dogma fear and false teachings; but this has been used to create free that people will go to hell if they not saved.

Life is difficult and I know I need to be free of guilt and imperfections.

I put food in the dog's dish which I am not suppose to be. I know now that is wrong. I am trying hard not to worry and prayer helps me with this.

I live my saving grace by admitting my mistakes and as I bring them out of denial there is transformation.

Jesus did say look at the lilies of the fields and the birds in the air and there is messages in all of nature and in all relationships.

Jim was happy his daughter had brought him at second hand little clock. He is very grateful and showed me pictures of his dad and himself when he was younger.

I am grateful for your kind thoughts and honest words.

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, I believe that what Jesus taught is the way....for sure. Just don't like what religion has done to it! His teachings were pure.

It must be frustrating to do some silly things, like putting food in the dog's dish and forgetting things...I am glad you have your strong faith and prayer to help you with this. YOu are very brave, Beth. I always keep you in my prayers for better health. Larry too.

With your spiritual help I can see things more clearly.

Thanks so much, Beth,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Off to a kids birthday party.its a bike party and they ride around on a circuit with traffic lights and stop signs.
I have the weekend off then a run of six early shifts.

beth bennett said...

Maybe we can connect with you on your days off.
What a fun birthday party, maybe we can do that for dad's.
Hope and pray Melina is better.

There are a few adjustments with Kim and Haiti living here, the funny thing is we even wash dishes differently.

I hope she is happy here. Haiti is for sure but she would be happy where ever Kim is.

.....................................doing better. love mom