Friday, November 13, 2015


PB110805Dad and I are waiting to see what our next little adventure may be.  No plans right now.  Watching funny D.V.D.'s at night!  Need to laugh more!

"A child has a picture of human existence peculiar to himself, which he probably never remembers after he has lost it"

"Childhood is a time when heaven and earth are still essentially united."

We can live in an imaginary world as real as our every day lives.  I know I did.  Also stories were very real and I could hear them again and again.  I read the Bible stories seeing the hero's as amazing as they fought inner struggles and the fight against evil.  Later I would view them with a more critical eye.

I could believe in a invisible reality that sometimes was happy and sometimes scary.  We all wanted to be super hero's.  We look back on our childhood and find many happy memories that give our life meaning today.  Parents are not perfect but most do the best they can.  I was very young and had a lot of growing up to do myself!

I knew that heaven was very real because my grandma was there.

Now I know that the spiritual reality can be within and around us.

This faith gives me a peace of mind in my life right now and also a calm assurance that my life goes on after death.  I look forward to waiting for good things to happen in my future.

Life is often about waiting, sometimes good and sometimes annoying.  Light comes from beyond as does our limited understanding of this world and the next.


Anonymous said...

Taking the cat boots back to the vet. New vet that are cat experts. Will see if they can fix her neck . Terrible happening in Paris today.
Chilly here . Hobey went to Roma to see his new girlfriend. Melina has a 20 year high school reunion tonight.

nancy-Lou said...

It seems as though when one gets older we are always 'waiting'. Waiting for doctors appointments, waiting for tests and then test results, waiting and waiting!

How reassuring it is to believe that there is life after death. My faith has always taught me that and I sure hope they are right!

The weather is changing to a warming trend....the temperatures are supposed to be well above normal and that is just fine with us! As I write the sun is setting with a blazing orange and red sunset....' the promise'.

My friend was driving home from her work at the casino at 3 am and a huge black bear ran in front of her car...just missed hitting it! I would have thought the bears would be hibernating, but the el Nino warm weather must have them out and about still.

I hope Ken's cat Boots is OK...

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

What happened to the cats neck?
I am trying not to be waiting too much. It does not seem to do me much good.
Mary is having a flurry of activity on her house, fingers crossed one of these turns into a bonafide offer.
She got a job offer, but they wanted her to start next month and that is too soon for her.
Visited Candice and Sukhi today, got caught up on what the kids are all doing.
The kittens are now able to climb up on the beds and follow their mom out the door when I am in there cleaning.
With seven cats in one room with 3 litter boxes I am doing a LOT of cleaning.