Tuesday, February 9, 2016


This is the pond at Sandra's house.
The ducks come swimming over hoping to be fed but the sign says "no feeding".

Today was another gorgeous sunny day.  It is hard to remember what day it is because Monday seemed like Sunday.

Dad was energized to go for a bike ride after helping in the garden a bit.  Gardening is sure hard work and soon takes all my energy.  The nice thing is talking to a few neighbors as they walk past.

Every little bit counts and the outcome of any task attempted is as it should be.

Going over to the store was one long line up after another.  I was picking up dad's prescription and this one lady was talking to the druggist for about 15 minutes.  They may  have been phoning the doctor but I think they should have taken her to one side.  Frustrating as I did not even have to pay.

Wed. is my day for an ultra sound.  The only worry is the amount of water they will try to make me drink.  Then we rush from the hospital in White Rock back to the dentist where dad has a good time chatting even with his mouth full.

"We would never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world."   Helen Keller


Sandra said...

I was very glad to better sleep last night, and hopefully more energy today. Randy took the dogs to go meet me after my Pilates class last night, but in typical fashion, he walked the way I do not, and he must have been looking the other way when I got out of the building as he totally missed me. So, when I got home to no husband and no dogs I had to head back out into the dark, very hungry now as it was almost 7:30 and I had no supper, to find my good intentioned but miss directed husband who did not even take his cell phone. I found him coming back ( the wrong way).

Is this another bladder ultra sound?

Busy day today, and all of next week as bonuses are handed out today and then paid by me over the next week. A happy time but stressfull as there are so many "special" requests that come from people.


beth bennett said...

Sandra that sounds just like me and dad trying to find each other.

The ultra sound was for the kidneys. I see the specialist next Tuesday.

love mom