Saturday, February 6, 2016


Hope is born on wings of faith and trust.

Hope shines like  through like the sunlight chasing the clouds away.

And when a whole of sunshine like today happens you just enjoy it.  I had a short walk with Haiti in the morning and am making new friends at the dog park.

Hope is seen in the change of the seasons and the tiny, tiny little buds on the trees.  New growth is always amazing.

More birds are flying high in the sky above us looking for  places to build their nests.

Hope produces faith to strengthen and keep us resilient. 

Dad has found new energy to fix the ceiling and it is looking excellent.

I am deciding to end my visiting career  at least for now.  I am going to tell Jim that I will not be able to come for awhile and I have told Joyce I will not be coming regularly.  Jim has his daughter who is coming to see him and Joyce has a son who comes often.  I enjoy the visiting but like today dad will drive me as it is further away. 

Joyce was a faithful church going so my visiting will be as a friend from church.

My purpose is to discover new purposes and writing my blog is one of them.

It is important we do what we do for the right reasons.
I am hopeful!


Sandra said...

Yes, when I am out in my garden now I see little green buds popping up all over the place. I guess my reading times and your writing times have not lined up. Plus, if my morning gets out of whack for any reason, like Mary calling first thing then I rush to get the dogs walked and forget.

Monday, lunch..11:30?


nancy-Lou said... of the most poignant and moving happenings in my life was when I was talking to one of the Lost Boys of Sudan....he saw terrible atrocities...his family were killed in front of him. He walked for years...with the Lost Boys and when I asked him how he could survive that and still be a strong member of the church ....he grasped my hands and word.....HOPE. It says it all doesn't it? We both moving. I love those fellows. They came to our church and spoke and sang to us. We had a BBQ afterwards and swimming in the lake. A wonderful day. Hope a wonderful word.

Thanks for listening to my story Beth...a great topic for your blog.

How nice to make new friends at the dog park..walking a dog is such a good way to meet people.

Good for Larry fixing the ceiling. That wouldn't be an easy job, being overhead.

It is snowing like a banshee and lots more to come. We are snug in our home and don't need to go out. Maybe watch netflix later on.

Wishing you both a comfy evening,

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

The fellow from Sudan said, hope that he would wake up the next day....just remembered!

love nancy

Anonymous said...

We are having some late summer heat here in Melbourne. I am topping up the pool for the last time this summer. Melina got her card and says thanks. She will talk to you on the phone this week.
Jasmine and Matthew both making new friends at school. Jesse has applied to TAFE for a course in landscaping and design. Not sure if he got in yet.

Sandra said...

CHANGE OF PLANS 12:30 Monday lunch, Randy is on graveyard and don't want to wake him up.

beth bennett said...

Do hope things work out for Jesse. I know you can go through some difficult years trying to find your place and your abilities.

Dad has an unset stomach today so toast and tea and reat.

Good to hear the children are making friends.

Love mom