Saturday, February 27, 2016


As I prepare my coffee and my toast for my prayer time I now like to think of it as a sacred time.  A time to communicate.  A time to trust
that His presence is with me.

Sharing communion at church is a sacred time,
a time of remembering,
a time of   recommitment,
a time of inward grace
a time of forgiveness.

A  time of beauty that reminds us that God is pouring out His blessings on us all. 

A rainbow that is a sign of the promise of forgiveness compassion and love!

My small acts of kindness and generosity become sacred as I give to others the love God has poured out on me! 

There is a quiet beauty in the fall as the leaves flutter down from the trees but if they are like me they may wonder "How do you give shade with so much gone"  -The Sacrament of Letting Go

The sacred can happen at any time, at any moment, when we invite awe and holiness to be present.

Sat. dad and I will be celebrating birthdays with our friends at John and Pat's home.


nancy-Lou said...

Sacred.....hmmm yes, communion is a sacred time and I fear that some people line up and go to the sanctuary, blindly, not understanding the true meaning of communion. You put it into words well, Beth
Inward Grace

I see people talking in the line up...some even laughing, accepting the host( the body of Christ) and the wine,( the blood of Christ ) blithely, without thought....almost as if by rote...they seem to be like a line because others are.

so I am going to show my old fashioned views used to be that one had to be confirmed to be able to accept communion.We studied for months. Then we had a good understanding and commitment to the seriousness of accepting communion. These days one and all are welcome at the table of the Lord. I think this is the way it should be..all are welcome...but also think that the minister should talk about what communion really is and why we are blessed to be able to go to the table of the Lord. Just a few short sentences before the communion would suffice.
What are your thoughts about this Beth? Did the United Church have communion studies for people years ago? Do they still? I would like to take the study class again to learn again what we did years ago. We had to memorize a lot of things including the Beatitudes...something I don't even remember what they are...must look it up.

Well my Celiac Disease has been really kicking up lately I am feeling pretty bad today and have to cancel my art class...something I don't want to do ...I LOVE teaching
too! Beth, you sure would know about why I can't teach is disappointing because I love me kids and really look forward to seeing them.

I am scheduled for a Colonoscopy so we will see what they find this time. Doubled up in pain sometimes...yeow...I crashed on the bed yesterday doubled up and Max, ( who cannot jump on the bed) jumped on the bed and began whimpering and licking my face..all worried. He is the most empathetic dog I have ever had...very loving and very sensitive. His sister is loving in her own way..not as demonstrative and more "full of old nick"....playful. Their personalities are different. Both wonderful.

Winter is back today, with falling temps and snow forecasted for later today and tomorrow.

nancy-Lou said...

Forgot to say,

Have a great day today,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy I am so sorry you are having such awful pain
It is agonizing and you cannot move or do anything.
Prayers for you today Young lady!
You will be missed by your students
Are you having the colonoscopy soon?

Have a restful peaceful day.

love Beth

Anonymous said...

Ollie left for his home on the osland yesterday and I will be picking up Carol and Kim at the airport at 1:00 am Sunday morning. See everybod at Sandra's on Sunday! xo Panteli

Sandra said...

Did I miss yesterday? Hmm, I guess it is because I was very focused on getting some yard time in after doing my work. It was very nice to get out and putter around with out even a sweater on. Missy and Peanut came out with me, but Lucy was happy to just stay on her bed by the door.

See you tomorrow.

beth bennett said...

I phoned Oliver but no answer.
See you.
love beth