Wednesday, April 20, 2016


One thing I did was walk over to the Boundary Park Lake.

It is the farthest I have walk in a while.  It is such a quiet place and there are benches for me to catch my breath.  Then dad and I drove to the library to take some books back before dad started working on his project in the back yard.  He has to do that when it warms up but before it gets too hot.  Our house is hot upstairs.  I lay down with a sinus headache after doing a bit of work in the yard.

Yes I do love to read.
I can travel to far away places or even back in time.
I solve mysteries.
I explore the spiritual reality of the experiences of others.
I make friends.
There are moments when you feel like the writer is just like you and has experienced similar feelings.

"Among other things you will find that you are not the first person who was ever confused, frightened or even sickened by human behavior.. . . .Many, many others have been troubled morally and spiritually just as you are.  Happily some of them kept records of their troubles.  You will learn from them-if you want to.  Just as some day, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you.  It's reciprocal, it's history, it's poetry (and best of all it is life)".
-Holden Caulfield in the Catcher in the Rye.

Reading scripture I feel God talking to me.

Reading a new book I feel God had me pick that book for a reason as there is a message for me in the pages!

I am so thankful for our library where I can meet new authors and I am often amazed at what I discover time after time. 

I am starting to read "Leaving Time"  by Jodi Picoult an excellent writer


nancy-Lou said...

Well, how about that! You are reading Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult! My current favourite author. I haven't read that one...but have been "binge" reading five of her other books. I am on #6 now called The Pact. It is about a suicide pact between two teens and the repercussions for their families....rivetting. Read too late last night! Let me know how you enjoy Leaving Time, Beth.

My favourite so far is the Storyteller. I love how she weaves the story from current times back to war times and the concentration camps in Germany. I also like how she writes in the first person from each characters point of view...each chapter is a different person, and each person has a different word font ( type ).clever.

We have so many things in common, don't we? I am grateful for our friendship, Beth and wish one day to actually meet you in person.

Today is a home day and I was wishing for a sunny day so I can clean up the mess on the two decks, from the winter. Black sun flower seed shells litter the one deck where they have fallen from the bird feeder. I will have to move across the driveway. The other deck has dried plants in the growing boxes..ready to be cleaned up so they can be planted in May.

So glad you had a good walk are getting stronger.... good news! I will take our dogs for a walk today too. They missed yesterday and were rather forlorn about it!

It is hard to imagine our house being hot upstairs! It is still cold here it looks as though the pattern will continue for the next week. But grateful the last of the snow is gone.

I wish you a good day...lots of enjoyment reading!

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I was hoping for news from your doctors appointment, I guess I will have to call.

Those sinus headaches are so yucky. Make me feel very sick.

I have read some of that ladies books, but I am always a little leary of someone who writes so much.


Sandra said...

This is why the brain guy is getting your heart tested.

"In the study, people whose hearts pumped less blood had brains that appeared older than the brains of those whose hearts pumped more blood.
The exact cause for a link between heart function and brain volume is still not well understood, Jefferson said. "There are several theories for why reduced cardiac index might affect brain health. For instance, a lower volume of blood pumping from the heart might reduce blood flow to the brain, providing less oxygen and fewer nutrients needed for brain cells. It is too early to dole out health advice based on this one finding but it does suggest that heart and brain health go hand in hand."

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, Sandra, I agree. There were a couple of Jodi Picaults books that I started and couldn't seem to get into the characters stories. But the ones I have read and finished were very good. I will try them again.

Have you read Nora Roberts books? She is such a prolific author...I haven't found one that I stayed with....trying!

Who do you like to read Sandra?

That is good to hear that you will be going for heart function tests, Beth. Carl has had a lot of those tests because his thinking is slowed and his movements. Some days are better than others for him...he can get confused and not easy to deal with. Patience and holding my tongue are what I need to do!

I hope you get good results from the neurologist.

Love Nancy

Sandra said...

Nancy, I am not much of one for remembering names of pretty much anything, books, songs, flowers. I would say I typically like dark emotional detective stories, or light fluffy english mysteries or historical fiction. I like books that are written by authors in different parts of the world.