Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I am amazed at the kindness of strangers.

As I walk early in the morning I meet a few strangers and we usually smile and nod at each other.
Sometimes these strangers have become friends like Joanne and Pat.  Others stop and talk but I do not know there names.

This morning when I stopped to take a picture this man came up behind me to tell me to be careful
He warned me not to go too far because he would not like to see me hurt myself.  He also warned me to be careful of the traffic.

When our eyes made contact he was smiling. 

"Suck every drop of living out of this life.
Sieve out every grain of happiness, grief, excitement stillness or anger,
that a fully lived life can offer."
-Cami Ostman

My morning affirmation
"I are a extraordinary gift to the world

There is no one in the world like me.

I am needed

I will try to  serve others with love,  and more patience.
This is the area dad is working on.

This is Randy hard at work as usual.

Sandra is starting a new flower bed.


nancy-Lou said...

Strangers...well I met a few nice strangers yesterday too, Beth! It must have been a good feeling knowing that others are watching out for you on your walks. There are good folk in this world.

Carl met a nice lady yesterday while waiting for his ultrasound. We arrived early and had a 45 minute wait. I went to tour the art gallery that is located in the hospital, the Buhler Gallery and he sat and visited with a lady who was waiting for her test too. He learned all about her life as a child in Germany during the war years. The Buhler Gallery is a gem and brings quiet and a sense of peacefulness in a very busy and stressful hospital. It was a gift from a very wealthy patron here in Winnipeg.

I wasn't feeling well yesterday and it made for a long day. Fighting off the flu. We left at 10 and arrived homw at 6. We are fortunate that our son works nearby and lets our dogs out for a while. Feeling better today, thinking the flu shot is still giving me some immunity.

Gosh we just saw Trump on the news and he was ranting and raving and shaking his fist
and honestly a chill ran through me as I said..'he looks like a re-incarnation of Hitler". That man is really scary. God help the USA if he is elected. God help the world.

Larry's work project looks very nice...is he putting down the new pavers and bricks?

I am chomping at the bit to get outside, but we received 2 1/2 inches of rain and it is quite wet out there even though we live on a sand hill. The people at the bottom of the hill are all flooded out. water everywhere.

Well lots to do at home, so must get busy.

Have aa great day!

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

That is nice of the man to be concerned for you. What did you do yesterday? I ended up coming home early from work and sleeping on the couch, bad sinus headache. All these dratted flowers and trees dumping all of their pollen. The house stayed nice and cool though.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra I have been having sinus headaches too.

I will write more in the morning.

;ovw mom

craig decraene said...

Stopped by around noon today, wrong the door bells nobody home