Tuesday, September 12, 2017


I  am grateful for my morning walk.

Each new day is a gift to be received with gratitude.  The gratitude for the gift of life is what I want to carry with me through the day.  We can learn to view life with a sense of gratitude and to hold on to the hope that each day promises to fulfill.

Life has to be worth living even through the difficult times.  There are gifts that can only be revealed through suffering and sometimes sorrow.  There are times when we can allow ourselves to be nourished and sustained by the goodness and faith of others.

Discovering what really matters!

Dad has reprogrammed our computers with help on the phone with a nice young man from East Link so that it should now start to work more efficiently.

I went over to see the eye doctor and now have to do more tests on Thursday.  
I am not sure if I am legal or not.  Dad drove me over to visit at the Seniors Home and my visit went well.

I am grateful for my book "Radical Gratitude" by Mary Jo Leddy.  It we a gift for me to read.

"In times of economic and political distress combined with hurricanes and floods her words descend upon us as healing water, thirst quenching, insight and drenching joy."   Joy Kogawa

I appreciated her honesty and courage as she admits she also struggles to be grateful just like the rest of us.  Sometimes it means looking for beauty among the ashes of despair and hopelessness.

As this day nears its end we are moving closer to finding out what is going on with Rick.

"When beginnings strike us as grace, as realities we should never take for granted,
then we may begin to acknowledge the mystery of God as the Creator of the Universe
but also as the Creator of our lives."  Mary Jo Leddy


Steady-as-rain said...

What a lovely photo! Such bright colours.

I see the specialist tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
Good to hear that you are getting things sorted out with the eye doctor.Very busy with last minute packing and work stuff. I leave Saturday., I have a meeting Friay afternoon at Kwantlen, so will stop by to say goodbye on friday between 4:00 and 5:00 pm.

Sandra said...

Is this a mixture of posts, or did you add? I could have sworn I checked in the morning.

I would like to borrow your gratitude book, or is it from the library? It is something I am always working on, trying to focus on the good rather than the bad.

Tasha never heard back from Doug and sent a last email not quite telling him off, but letting him know she was disappointed. So needless of him to deny her something that costs him nothing to give.

Randy is finally getting lots of hours at work. It has been a slow summer for him when normally that is the busy time. We have a kitchen to pay for so need those big pay cheques!


nancy-Lou said...

Gratitude....I have a Facebook friend who posts three things she is grateful for every morning. I admire how she can find three new ideas each day to be grateful for.

I am praying that Rick receives good news about his health today when he sees the specialist. Hopefully it is something they can easily fix. We always worry about our children, don't we Beth? Even when they are adults...they still are "our kids " and we want to run in there a wave a magic wand and make everything better...just as when they were small.

I am missing my cat, Gilbert very much. Everywhere I look it seems I expect to see him there. He was the best cat I ever had...very loving and easy going and clean. Well that is it for me for cats and dogs....we will sell our house soon and move to an apartment. I found one that takes two small pets...so put my name in. It may take some time before the one I want is available so that will give me time to sell the house. The house is just too much for us...well me, to upkeep. Carl cannot do anything. Plus the long travel distances to the city for doctors and tests is just too much. We just have a small pension and each visit to the city costs at last $100.

Today is the last day of summer...so the weatherman is saying and one can feel the cold wind coming from the north east although the temperature is 25C. Friday it is going to rain and be windy with a high of 11C....but I welcome the fresh air and the wind. We have had so many hot and stagnant days with little wind and lots of humidity. It is really smokey today with smoke from the forest fires. Hard on the throat and eyes.

Hoping for good news re, Rick,

Have a good evening, ( we will watch the Blue Jays )

Love to all,