Sunday, November 26, 2017


We became friends because our dogs liked each other and she liked Haiti.  We have met on our walks for many years.  She is from Russia and seems lonely.  I listen as she tells me first her husband is very sick dying of cancer.  I tell her I will pray for her.  Next time we meet her husband has passed away.  We hug and I walk her home.

She tells me she has no appetite and also very little food.  I offer to help but she says no.

Why has she told me this I wonder?

I start praying for her Sunday morning and I realize I need to do more than pray.  I make some soup and buy  a few groceries and dad and I will deliver them.  She kindly invites us in and says she would offer us some food if she had any so I tell her that is why we are here.  She was very grateful so that made dad and I feel good too.

Prayers are good but sometimes we have to put our words into actions.

I felt sad about missing church again but I can only do so much in a day.

Dad is not feeling too good but we enjoy watching the Gray Cup together.

I have another bladder infection so must get the cranberry drink
but for now it is App;e Cider Vinegar.

."Before you open your mouth to speak
open your heart to care."
-Kerry Shook


Sandra said...

Sorry I did not make it over with the eggs, I will run over on my lunch break today and drop them off.

Neither Randy or I do much shopping in malls so we were tired out by the time we finished off at Toys R US. We started at Wallmart but had parked our car far away where we planned on finishing, but then bought so much at wallmart we had to walk all the way there to drop it all off before going back into the mall.

When we got home I started a fire right away, but Randy had to head back out to Rona to get one more plug for the Christmas lights.

By the time he got home he had found out he was going to graveyards so just a few more hours and he was off to bed.


beth bennett said...

What a pair!
I thought you might buy the store out.

That would be great if you can drive here to deliver the eggs
but there is no hurry, we are not completely eggless!

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Such a lovely store of you and Dad taking food to that lady!

I am very lucky to have such kind and thoughtful people as my parents.

Much love,


beth bennett said...

Thank you Rick,
It did us good too.
Dad did some work in the yard today
as we have to take advantage of the sunshine.

Hope you can get in for your treatments soon
for your neck and spine.

It is good you have someone else there now too.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

It was so very kind of you to listen to that lady and then take some food over to her. We never know the sadness or hardship others carry do we? Not unless they tell us, as she did tell you. I am so proud to have you and Larry as my friends...very kind folks!

I am friends with an Iraqi family who are refugees living in Turkey, waiting to come to Canada.
They have waited two years and the Father cannot find work in Turkey..I think there is discrimination against him.

Not sure because he doesn't complain to me, but I know things are difficult for them. They have been waiting for two years, since they applied through Canadian Immigration to come to Canada. He said they think they are already in Canada...which they are not.
I wish I knew a lawyer who could look into this for them. They are being sponsored through a church in winnipeg but they don't seem to be doing much for them.

A lovely family..Abdullah is very kind. We message quite often and he sent me a photo of his little 5 year old dancing to Arabic music..sooo cute. How I wish I could just whisk them over to Canada...but no. It will wonderful to actually meet them when they get here. There are five children in the family and Abdullah and his wife. I will go to the airport to meet them when they come, although the church people will be there too.

I am knitting a toy for his five year old and will send them a package of things. I have their address in Turkey.

Have a great day...going to read your next blog..I am behind because we were in the city for two days.

Love Nancy