Monday, July 27, 2009

CAN LIFE BE CAPTURED BY THE CAMERA?please start at bottom

Beautiful flowers from dad end another day of joy and happiness.
We drive home on the scenic route to miss the heavy traffic and capture a scene set for a movie.

Grandpa and Theresa plan her trip. She wants to go see the dinosors at Drumheller. You can see the pictures on the big screen but they were on the little one first. Theresa is very creative. Ben is getting bored Looking at picturesTheresa has down loaded of my past. Carol and Panteli invite me to Theatre under the Stars Wow a basket of cluten free goodies from Kim
Morgan reads the card with me. Kim with the children. Ben holds a present for me.

Outside to open cards and presents. A very warm day! So we looked for shade Yes I need help with even one candle which I insisted upon
was up very early and caught the morning sky. I had to hunt around for my cameral I could not remember where I left it the night before.First thing I do is get a card off to Matthew. Happy Birthday dearest. We love you!

We saw it leave

Right in the middle of the storm

We saw it coming

I could not get pictures of the lightning. Dad and I stood on the porch fascinated by the flashes of brillance and the crash of thunder and the changing sky. I was so thankful to be safe on the ground as I remember the time dad and I flew in a lightning storm. I never thought I could get more frightned in the plane than I was already was. That night proved me wrong. I am sure my heart stopped. You think about your children and I knew I was not ready to leave the them.
Sandra thank you for awesome cake. I am eating it for breakfast
I am having a day of doing nothing tight! Sigh! !.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your welcome, it was OK I guess. Randy and I ordered pizza and watched Star Trek last night, not that I was hungry but eat anyways. Called Mary and Michael and they were at their cabin and just heading off to look fot the horses.
So, are you saying you are going to do things right today or you are not going to?