Wednesday, May 14, 2014


DSCN2638This dear old tree still has a purpose.

I try my walk without my cane.  Scary.  I walk very slowly like I am on a trapeze.  I correct myself when I tend to lean forward and when I start listing to one side. 

My walking is a little crooked but hey world here I come!

I also call this my "mindfulness" walk as I am very focused on each step and how good I am feeling just to be out walking with the beauty of nature all around me and with the song "born free" singing in my head!

I meet my neighbor returning from walking her old dog with a big stick in his mouth,  She has three dogs and the other two are much younger.  She will start out again with them and jog.  She has an amazing amount of energy.  When her mom joins her on this early morning walk they take the three dogs.  They walk over to the water-shed park and back.

It is strange how those new roads that are suppose to free up are driving time ended up making us get lost at least once or twice.  Signs can be confusing and I always feel I am going the wrong direction anyways.

I do a bit of gardening before we leave for dad's cancer appointment.  He does not want any treatment although his P.S.A. is creeping up.  The appointment went just as we figured he is given another 6 months to see how it is and if it continues to climb he will be back on the hormone shots.  As I leave  see the ticket police leaving in his car and hopefully we do not get a ticket in the mail.  We had paid for our parking but had not left it on the dash board.

We drove over to see Vera and Howard.  He was having a bad day and may even be getting a cold.  One more thing for Vera to worry about.  We tried to get her to come out for lunch but did not feel she could leave him.  It is excellent that when Leah is there she feels secure enough about his care to leave.

We drove home tired and hot and hungry.  Howards room is very hot and gets even hotter by night.  I think that would be unbearable. Dad has his lunch out in his shade deck a perfect place with a slight breeze.  I lie down for a nap and later join dad to do my last Bible lesson on Revelation.


Anonymous said...

I love that image of you walking along caneless belting out Born Free! Way to go Mom!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are cane free mom. We took Matthew to the ,ear nose and throat specialist to get his hearing tested. And as we expected his hearing is not good, he has glue ear as they call it here. We are to give him some medicine for six weeks then if there is no improvement he has to have his adenoids out and grommet s put in. Nice weather here at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Ps go HABS.

Sandra said...

will you sop by today yo say good bye to mary and simone?

Shandel said...

GO HABS GO is right!!! and now Sidney Crosby is out too.

Glad to hear you ventured out with out the cane, but it is nice to know that you can use it if you want. Mindful walking is so important. we sometimes do walking vipasana meditations in yoga class. it is wonderful, but some (like most meditations) find it extremely hard and challenging mentally and physically. I have been trying to work with Cameron on mindful walking as he has some lazy ankles and tends the let the insides cave. but its a challenge!
Have a great last day visit with Mary and Simone. love ya
PS thanks for the pasta such a wonderful surprise! cant wait to try.

beth bennett said...

dad and I will come over this morning to say good-bye, We were going to stop by yesterday but ran out of steam.

Sorry about Matthew Ken, that is what you had.

Happy Birthday Cameron!

Love Grama

Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming by Grama and Grampa! It is always nice to have a chat and see you both. We look forward to the next visit and take care of each other. We love you! (Michael John, Me, Simone, Riley and Jeanne) :)

Anonymous said...

I say take the cane!

Call it a walking stick!



nancy-Lou said...

Good for you must be getting stronger and able to walk independently. Be careful though, you don't want to have a fall.You are very brave and resilient, even if you are a little crooked and I don't mean dishonest...crooked in walking.

Sorry to hear your friend Howard is not doing well. It must be very hard for his wife to see him so sick. You and Larry are good people to visit the sick and elderly...even when you may not be feeling your best.

We are watching the Habs hockey game and Boston just scored. RATS!

We do mindful walking and it is soooo hard to do. I was surprised to see how hard it was. Our Tai Chi teacher said the monks walk outdoors on uneven ground in the forest like that...I cannot imagine how.

We finally got most of our yard work done and the grass is beginning to turn green. I hung out the glass hummingbird feeder and had to bring it in again as the temperature is going down to -5 tonight and could even be colder here. The hummingbird, wisely has not arrived yet. That is late though...he usually is here by May 7th.

love, Nancy