Wednesday, May 7, 2014


There are many unkind thoughts that are best left unsaid. 
Also there are positive words that it is important to say.  In many of the gospel stories we read about those who supposedly do not know everything identify Jesus; while those who should know-like the learned scribes and Pharisees or even the disciples- continue to misunderstand him.
So it is not surprising that as Jesus meets two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus they see him as a mysterious stranger.  Strangely enough the scripture tells us “their eyes were kept from seeing him.”  Their grief and lack of faith may have blinded them. 

Jesus asks them why they are sad and they tell him about the death of  Jesus, who was mighty in deed and in word.”  Their hopes had been in his ability to redeem Israel.  They are now confused by the reports that he has been seen.
Sometimes our hopes are dashed and leave us sad and alone.  Jesus explains to them and makes sense of all that had happened.  They do not recognize him until they stop to eat with him and in the breaking of the bread their eyes are opened.  They must have been stunned!

Sometimes we need to hear explanations when we are ready to listen.
Jesus is speaking to us in our pain and in our sadness and even in our anger and anquish.
Jesus wants to give us the gift of Hope and Renewed faith and may speak through family, friends or strangers.

DSCN5005We were delighted to be asked out for supper to Sandra and Randy's  and have a bit more of a visit with the smaller group.  They had had a busy day and the babies are adorable but lots of work.

They are all going out to Theresa and Mikie's  place today.
We were invited but do not feel up to it.

Kim may move in with us and go back to school which would be fine with us.  She is very helpful and we enjoy our time with any of the family.  She loves to cook so that is perfect.

I am so very grateful for our loving family and that we express our love for each other often.!

We enjoy and care for one another!


Shandel said...

That sounds like a win win with Kimberly. Did she go in to Realty? i remember her telling us she was going to take the exam.

We are still not fully into spring. Yesterday it snowed/rained/sunshined/clouded on and off all day! not fun lol

Maybe you can go swimming with Simone haha i heard she really likes it.

nancy-Lou said...

Well that would sure be nice for you and Larry, to have Kim move in while she goes to school. Nice for you and her...a "win, win" for everyone. I guess that means Haiti will be coming too...there is nothing like the company of a dog.

Also she loves to cook! wonderful

Our granddaughter, Carly loves to cook as too. She is going to college this fall to study engineering. I wish she could stay with us, but we live too far from the city. We had a wonderful visit with her on Monday.

Glad to hear you are still having fun with the babies...that pic of them in the bathtub was so cute!

I have polyps in my sinus cavity so he ordered a CAT scan. I am using a nasal spray that should dissolve them, but surgery may be needed. Hope not!

Well off to the big city for an orthopedic surgeon appointment for see about fusing his ankle again.

Take care, you two,
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Melina going to Jasmines kindergarten today for Mother's Day tea. I am on late shifts this week .