Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Sometimes it is hard to find Ben in the crowd of players.
I find it easy to feel lost in a crowd of people.

 I feel at times,  life losses its joy and becomes empty and feelings of exhaustion over take our positive side.  The answers lie not in great wisdom but in the very practical and sensible conditions of life.

It can come with a dissatifaction with life, with the job you are doing, with loss of health and energy, with difficult people in your life or with many different reasons.
“True identity is found in selfless love and compassion, which we share with others, and allow the soul within us to drink of a cup that quenches these inner longings"  -T. Rinpoche 

There is a song which says "Fill my cup Lord" which has been my prayer at times.

We are all much stronger than we think.  We all have something to give, something to be thankful for, we all have unique gifts that help create better energy in our world.
Sometimes we have to learn to laugh at ourselves.

I love spending time with our family.  Enjoyed the game and eating our snacks at another day , yesterday, watching Ben play soccer and Morgan do a hundred hand stands with her friends.  Panteli joined us for the game watching Ben and then later watching the hockey game.  Still hopeful the Havs. will start winning again. 

I am so thankful that we can enjoy the children without all the worries that come with being parents, although we share their concerns when problems or sickness arrives, we do not have the responsibility. 

I believe that the goal of religion is to set us free of pain, insecurity, and doubt but from childhood there has been layered over our souls.  We develop  wrong ways of seeking  happiness and security.  The ability to love and to be loved is within us all.

It helps when you have friends who believe in you.  I meant my friend Joanna yesterday on my morning walk  and she warn me not to go down a certain street because there were several police cars there  and it looked troubling, so I turned back and walk along her path.  She is one of my encouragers.

It also helps if you have something you really love do and able to do it freely and frequently.

Everyday I spend with family I feel all hugged up!


Sandra said...

Quote from the book Shandel got me, ease suffering, create beauty. I like that, Nice and simple. Had a nice quiet morning, Randy watched movies while I cleaned the fridge and puttered around. Worked in the garden a bit more. Sandra

Shandel said...

that is a beautiful quote Sandra. i am happy you can enjoy the book.
Lots of hugs your way ladies.

nancy-Lou said...

So glad you were able to to to the soccer game and watch Ben play. I know you really enjoy that.
Today your message of life losing it's joy sure is appropriate for me....I spent yesterday at the emergency room and found out I have strep throat. No wonder my throat was so sore. I spent Saturday and Sunday in bed. very weak, high fever etc. Anyway the magic of amoxicillon is helping already. just need to take it slowly.
I too, am not comfortable in crowds. I used to want to run out the backdoor when we opened the doors in our hall to start the craft sale and the crowd stormed in.
I just stay away from crowds now.

Love, Nancy

larry bennett said...

Yes Nancy, as we get older it seems it is just one little (or not so little) thing after another. With you looking after a loved one, plus having your own problems - it is amazing how positive and upbeat you always are. Beth and I appreciate your input and wise and loving comments.

nancy-Lou said...

Larry thanks so much for your very kind comments. It is I, who feel so privileged, to be able to be part of the Bennett clan and share ( albeit from a distance) in the goings on of your large, loving family. I wonder if you and Beth had any idea when you married that you would end up with four amazing kids, and a passle of the cutest grand kids and great grand kids ever!
Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy,
Sorry to hear that you have been so sick. Hope you improve quickly. It is amazing how often we think alike!
I wanted six children when we married but found four enough,
Had a quiet day today.
love beth

Steady-as-rain said...

6 Children!!!!!!!

Holy Smokes!

I guess we would have survived. Ha ha ...



Of course, Kenny has five now ..

Anonymous said...

Matthew had a better day at school, no tears. Some kids are mean to him and say he is ugly and won't play with him. He started school with two older girls looking after him. They seem to have found other things to do at lunch time and recess.He is still getting 10/10 on his tests. Jasmine is doing really well at kindy!