Tuesday, May 27, 2014


A  very uncrowded sidewalk on my morning walk.  Very wet again. 

 Our power went off for a short while and the milk was sour and we had no eggs so went out for breakfast.  We brought half home so have enough for lunch.  On the way home picked up a few groceries and finally mastered the self check-out!

My plants are crowded but they hold each other up.

Dad and I laughed as we enter the tiny elevator at Howard’s place that said no more than 19 could enter.  I think 6 would have been crowded.

Dad took a picture of me and Howard but his eyes were closed so it was not flattering or appropriate.

When we leave there is a crowd around the elevator wanting to escape.  Not today we told them.

Crowds at the  present-day  Church of the Nativity find that you must bow and enter on your knees at  a narrow archway.  It is so crowed inside that all feeling of reverence and awe is gone.  People are moving elbow to elbow and getting nowhere and lots of talking and laughter.  Each one may have been there for difference reasons.  Some curious to see this place that was a must on the list of places to see.  A place that has been there since the sixth century dating back to the time of the emperor Justinian.  A touristy site had turned what was suppose to be a holy place into a crowed space to take pictures.

How could anyone maintain a reverent attitude in such a throng of people.  Difficult I would say.  Just as difficult as squeezing 19 people into a 6 room elevator.

Mary and Joseph may have been confused about their circumstances then and also now if they could see the crowds of people claiming this was the birth place of their son, unusual child that he was.

We are called to nourish our faith with prayer, worship, spiritual meditation and service in the silence of our own hearts and souls.  This may be in a church or  outside beside the ocean or in a grassy field where ever we stop and listen.


Sandra said...

Did all that rain make your garden a bit droopy since I thinned it out a bit? We have been asked to reduce our hours at work as we are expecting a dismal year. So the parking lot is getting less and less crowded all the time. It is looking a lot drier out there this morning. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes they did look a bit droopy. I did a bit more yesterday. I know it was over-crowded.
Are you unhappy with changes at work.
Yes, looks much better this morning so off I go.!
love mom

Shandel said...

Beautiful smile you have Grandma Beth!!! just love it.