Saturday, May 31, 2014


                             Early Saturday morning just missed a racoon that passed by.
P5311195The gate
The fence and the dirt where the grass will grow if dad remembers to water it.  So far God has been doing it for him.
The morning visiters

The shade deck where it is lovely and cool to sit on a warm day.  It gets a tiny bit of sun in the morning.
The shade deck


nancy-Lou said...

What a lovely little shade deck. A nice place to settle in with a good book. Nice work Larry on your new gate. It looks really sturdy.

I have been in the hospital again. The bronchitis turned in to pneumonia. I am an out patient now, going in once a day for an IV antibiotic. I was so worried about Carl, at home. I begged my doctor to let me come home. If Carl falls, he cannot get up. So the reality has hit home..that I am not infallible and we have to think of some options.
Like asking for help!
I haven't been in the hospital for 40 years. Sure has changed.

Take care, you two,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I have been worried about you two! We have to start thinking about these things and it is not easy. You must be very tired out and exhausted from worry as well as your pneumonia.

I was thinking of you all during church today and so pleased to hear from you. I looked at this Sunday afternoon.
love beth