Sunday, June 1, 2014


Very inspirational to be eating out at the golf course surrounded by huge trees and very green grass and the little water fountain.  Sun is warm but the wind chilly.

Very slow walk in the morning.  Nearly knocked down by early morning joggers.  10 of them.  Young and inspiring.
Quite a contrast to me.  Laughing and chatting they swarm all around me before they pass.

Sometimes one does not feel too inspired at all.

DSCN5037Last Thursday as I was visiting I saw a man sitting all alone at the table.  I sat down to have a talk and found him very interesting.  He is a real character with a wild sense of humour as well as a great story teller.  I have to wonder if they are true.He wanted to know all about me too.  He said he had seen me coming and going regularly week after week.  When I told him it was about 25 years he was amazed and called me an inspiration.  He said I should be written up in the Leader newspaper.  I just laughed.

Saturday I shopped and cooked and went to the bank.  Money just seems to disappear.  Thankfully there was enough in the bank for my withdrawal.

Dad worked hard taking old tires back to Canada Tire that had been shoved in behind our little shed when we moved here.  Phoned Sandra and she and dad both have back pain so will be taking it easy.
Michael John's mom is not improving as well as they hoped but I guess that is to be expected.  If Leah was here she could tell me.

So inspire someone by just being yourself!  -Demi Lovato  in Staying Strong

DSCN5039DSCN5036Church today and meeting to-night.

Know yourself!


Sandra said...

That must feel nice, to be told you are an inspiration. I do not suppose you would have expected to hear that when you first started visiting 25 years ago. My back is still sore today but I have a little dirt to unload still. Good thing we have the extra light dirt so it is not hard. Ate a strawberry out of my garden yesterday, it was very good. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Beth you surely are an inspiration to me and I am sure, to so many others over the years...with your amazing ability to bring such positive and humorous messages to us. 25 years volunteering definitely deserves some recognition. Not that you would be seeking that!

Now, those joggers that nearly ran you down were very rude! Next time better move out of the way...maybe they should get a careless jogging ticket!

Sandra's strawberry sounds delish! I am going to buy a hanging basket of strawberries at the greenhouse....they always do well on my deck. Also buy a pot of zuccinni and one of tomato and cucumber. Can hardly wait to feel better and garden...nothing has been done here...very frustrating. But soon hope to feel stronger and get out there.

I saw a first hand act of discrimination yesterday, which brought me to tears....a patient at the hospital was ignored while she stood at the nurse's desk waiting for help. She told me and we had such a good talk....she said it was because she was Aboriginal. We both cried and hugged and held hands.
I told her to she was worth a lot more than me and to hold her head high. She is such a beautiful of tea colour,face lined with wisdom. Her long black hair piled on her head. I would like to paint her...but don't know her well. I am taking her some small things today, cheese and crackers etc..snacks and will have a little visit.
I abhor discrimination. I am planning on doing something about it.
Our Aboriginal friends are just the same as us...they have real feelings...and I think the white people are so uneducated when it comes to this. I have learned a lot over the last 38 yeas, since moving many of my friends are Metis or Aboriginal and they are fine proud people.

Have a wonderful Sunday,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Love your comments Nancy and hope you continue to improve in your health. I like the idea of strawberry baskets. I planted strawberries but they do not get any ripe berries on them.
The joggers came on me so fast I did not have time to get out of the way.
I agree with you about discrimination and I like to think we are al the same inside.
Good luck with your ideas.
Love beth

Shandel said...

I missed this blog from being sick the past day. I was struck with sudden 24 hour flu. yuck. feeling better today but body is very sore from the sickness. it feels so violent to be attacked like that from illness. Not sure where i picked it up but a part of me likes to blame the children haha they are walking germs i tell ya.

I received a strawberry plant from the local school where our healing seed charity does some work. i am going to plant it in its own pot at my dads house. he gets large amounts of sun. This year i was smarter with the flowers we bought to plant they all need full sun! also planted some mixed green lettuce, basil, chives, parsley and radish. :D look forward to eating them soon.