Monday, June 2, 2014


Daniel, our minister,  talked about the bad theology that has been around since the beginning of time that suffering is good for our souls.  We do not have to accept suffering as God's will for us but do all we can to prevent it and to fight it.  Jesus came and died on the cross but we do not have to put ourselves on a cross.  Suffering is often caused by evil and that was what  crucified Jesus.

Jesus came to fulfill the message of Isaiah that  redeems our suffering and heal our wounds  and set us free.

"The spirit of the Lord is on me because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind and to release the oppressed."  Luke's gospel

I believe that I can continue to learn from the past beliefs and see the bad influence that religion can have on believers.  I want to see the goodness of God's love for us all.  I am reminded that yes I do not know everything,  and that  certainly it is a humbling place to find yourself.  Faith and life are mysteries.  We will always have questions especially what suffering.

One of my strongest admirers is an amazing girl who runs and jogs and rides her bike by me everyday.  We would wave at each other until she saw me with a cane and stopped to ask me how I was doing.  She stopped again Sunday morning to say "good for you Beth!"  I guess to some I look like an useless old lady but they do not know the real me. 

One of the lessons I can learn from Jesus is the way he faced
his critics.  He stayed true to his purpose and true to his message.

We are here to support and encourage one another.

We are here to lesson the suffering where and when we can.

My understanding is that theology is changing and hopefully for the better!


Sandra said...

In other words think for your self. I think in religion, just like some much of life, there is that quiet little voice inside us telling us when something is wrong. Religious leaders would like to call that voice the devil when it contradicted what they preferred us to believe. That must be so nice to have people actually know your name. Even though I walk every morning at the same time I rarely see anyone, let alone more than once. I guess it is because it is all just houses here. Did you see on Facebook Randy and I actually had our first real swim? It was not too bad. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

I never did believe in that hell fire and brimstone stuff. How could God be a punishing God? He is a loving God.

How wonderful you receive encouragement from others, when on your walk. I think most people would b admiring your strength and determination, Beth. So many of us older folks just sit back and let life roll by....but not you! You are so active in many ways.

I really miss my walks with my dogs and hope to resume them later this month when I gt stronger. The dogs still look to go...poor things.

Off later today for another IV of an antibiotic at the hospital and then to another hospital for a CT scan. Still have infection in my lung..and my meds end tomorrow...have to see my doctor again.

Doesn't Sandra and Randy's pool look inviting Are you and Larry going for a swim?

Have a good day,
Love, Nancy

Shandel said...

On our daily walks we see a lot of the same people. we are in a smaller community and being in this side of Stony Plain its even smaller. But for us we all know each other by our dogs names haha its funny. Daisy loves to say hi to all her doggy friends. I wouldnt think the people who see you and stop to say hi think you are a useless old lady lol i bet she is inspired by you . and she cares! :D

beth bennett said...

Nancy I do hope and pray your lungs are improving. What a long day that must be for you. Are you driving yourself?
We have friends who have volunteered to drive us into town etc. but so far dad seems to be doing okay, very well.
Dad knows the names of the dogs at the dog park. Ha ha.
Both very tired today but have to go get some milk and things.
There is no way dad can go walking around Cost-Co where he would like to go. Not me I find it too confusing.
Dad is working out in his deck when he should be resting his feet.
You cannot tell a man what to do!
love mom