Friday, June 6, 2014


I had walked into the Scotsdale Mall on the way to Save-On and looked in the widow of a store full of interesting and very beautiful.  I have often bough wedding gifts here and also things for babies.
I even bought the skirt and top for our 50 wedding anniversary there.   I actually tried it on and the clerk told me how  nice it looked.  I did not like it when I got home.  I do not dress up well.

Anyway,  I was surprised to see one of my friends I met on my walk,  working there,  I have not walked in this little mall for a long time except to go as far as the dollar store and Save-On-Foods.  I look in at the pet store too.

Surprised to see how much better Vera looks and much more relaxed.  The atmosphere is so much nicer and the staff more efficient.   Sorry Leah you are not feeling well.  It is good that Howard is in a better place.  Now taker care of yourself!

P6021200I was listening to a tape by Wayne Dwyer and was surprised by several things.  His first books were a lot of theory and he had not really put into practice his findings.  I was surprised at how different the goals of men and women are.  I think they have changed since he wrote but it would be a good tool for premarriage counseling.

True love grows with maturity!  Actions speak louder than words.

 Where does work and family and  success and achievement and adventure and spiritual growth fit in as priorities according to our gender?

 There are surprises as we read scripture with an accurate picture of the place where things took place.  How could four fishermen walk away from everything - their jobs, their families, their way of life - to follow this strange carpenter who only spoke a few words to them.  What about family?  Is there more to this story that did not get included?

The more I think about this I think it sounds like a fishy story!

I do not doubt that Jesus called them to come and follow him and that they responded quickly ready for adventure and excitement.  He says come after me and I will be your teacher.  Jesus is calling them to a higher potential as he does with us all! 

The funny thing about prayer is that even when we do not know what to pray or what we need the answers come anyway and sometimes in surprising ways. 

 I believe that there is a guidance that comes from a spiritual source that it is important to listen to,  life gets so busy we often do not hear.  Sometimes it is good to listen to your grama!

Love and prayers to all!


Sandra said...

Simone has an ear infection as well. I was up until after midnight last night. I fell asleep after I ate my supper and then went to bed at nine and could not sleep. At least it is my day off so I can nap today. That was a nice surprise. Oh, Mary got her medal from the race mailed to her, so she got a nice surprise yesterday as well. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

I remember reading Wayne Dwyer's book, I'm OK you're Ok many years ago. One story he related really stuck with me all these years.

He has a twin brother who chose " the other fork in the road" which led to drugs and alcohol. He stressed how important it is in life to "choose the right fork in the road".

That little gift store looks like one we have in the mall here...lots of interesting things to look at.

I am like you Beth...I don't buy new clothes often, but when I do, I usually am not happy and end up wearing my "old friends" instead.

Feeling a little stronger today...had a lady come in and clean the house for me yesterday...that always makes me feel better. I made a stew for supper...the first time I cooked in three sick of fast food and Carl's cooking..bless his heart! Still taking strong antibiotics and see my doctor next week. He will decide if I
have to go for a CT scan of my lungs. I still have pain, but the coughing has subsided.

Have a beautiful day...I think this is your visiting day.
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Our health is so important isn't.

Went visiting yesterday and Jim was in a better mood. He had curry for lunch which he loves.
Food is important too.
Nancy hope you continue to improve.

love mom(beth)

Anonymous said...

Off to work today . Melina is off . Looks nice and summery in vancouver. Matthew only got 9/10 on his spelling( his did not complete his n in cousin and it looked like an r ) only his second wrong word in 12 weeks do school. He is doing really well , the odd day he doesn't want to go to school , but once dressed he is ok.

beth bennett said...

Hi Ken, Good for Matthew, maybe we will finally get a good speller in our family.
I hope Melina enjoys her day off.

It is warm with a cool breeze. We drove over and spent the morning with Sandra and Randy. He makes a great "pool boy" and we sit and watch.
love mom