Monday, June 9, 2014



Dad tries a little ping pong but looks like he missed the ball.  Then he had to quit because of his sore feet.

I now know I should not try to take pictures with my sun glasses on nor try to down load them with them on.   I forgot I had them on because I seldom wear them but the sun was very bright when we were driving.
Dad and I were both awake at 4 because we were hungry.  He went back to bed and fast asleep something I just cannot do.  I went for a very short walk.  We had our second breakfast of bacon and eggs.
Have to go to the store for milk and eggs and vegetables.   Dad's eye is painful so he is going to go to a doctor which is good.  I only had a short walk today.
We certainly enjoyed our day with family at Cultus lake.!


Steady-as-rain said...

I think posed photos are usually better.

I have a difficult time going back to sleep if I wake up early too.

Morgan was pretty brave to go in the water!

I remember Carol and me going swimming a lot at Cultus Lake many years ago.



beth bennett said...

Good memories!
We also had a cabin there one year.
love mom