Thursday, June 26, 2014


I like to take time in my dreamlike state of  possibilities.

I am anxious to get back out in the yard and back to walking over to the store etc.because we often run our of this or that, among many other things.  And there are always things I think I should be doing!

P6211378Another perfect day,
It was another lovely day to day  dad and I ate out on the front steps.

.  He is so funny he runs after me with the walker or grabs things out of my hands he thinks I should not be carrying.  I am very well looked after.  He is still having eye problems which  is miserable.

Actually I have been very good today because I do want to get better, but it is not easy for me to just lie around and ask for things.  There is always something I think I should be doing.
The strawberry tea went well with lots of good workers like Jane,  The books did not sell  as well as usual because the big buyer was not there.  ME.

Today Jasmine  (Cathy's oldest daughter) comes over with her two year old always amusing.  Then off to the doctor to get results, which I am not expecting much.  I believe that Rick arrives tonight in time for the pool party!

Finding the problem that is at the heart of things helps to find a solution.  Right now I am the problem. 

Maybe Rick can cut the front lawn I think he would love to!  I would not let just anyone do it.


nancy-Lou said...

AHHH you two are just such a sweet couple. So caring for each other!
Bringing the walker for you and taking things that need carrying!
I really think we are so blessed in having our life partners, in our old age to help each other. Sure I know there are not so perfect times too..we have them, bu I think having each other to lean on is a wonderful gift!

Beth, I wish you a good doctor's appointment and hope you get some answers and help.

I am glad to hear you are listening to those who love and care about you and resting! Remember my motto. "just go with the flow"!

We are off to the see the eye surgeon and Carl will get the patch off his eye and the doctor will look at it. His appointment is late...4:30 and there will be a lot of beach traffic on the highway coming home. Along with 43 kms of construction on the highway it will be a slow drive. Our son, Bob, bless him offered to drive for us..but I will be fine. I like driving.

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for some good news at the doctors for you Beth,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I will give you a call and see how the appointment went. I tried yesterday but no one answered. We now have a house full. Well, no babies but all the bedrooms full. Will you and dad be able to drop by tomorrow do you think? Sandra