Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Kind words and healing thoughts will help this Humpty Dumpty get put together again.  I like being outside and I like cutting our grass which is a very little area.
I need to keep active but also use a little common sense.  I hope to go to the Strawberry tea even if I cannot help.  I know I am an expert book seller!
It is always fun for me to do what little I can do to help.  I certainly could not be server and most of the younger women do that,
We all know how important it is to get rid of clutter in the house but it is similar with out minds.
I am trying  try to be content with myself siting in my chair and letting my mind wander all over the place.  Jotting little sayings for my blog and reading a mystery.  The stairs are the hardest part so I crawl,

Amazingly Jasmine,  daughter of Cathy, was driving by our house on the morning of the fall and she dais she felt very strongly she should stop by.  We should listen to these nudges I believe.  She is coming over early Friday morning before  see Dr.Nolte he phoned for me to come to explain my results I guess.

We just saw a video of Matthew winning a price for the best work in literacy.  Good on you Matthew!

Going to feel, much better today.

Keep life simple!  Keep balanced!


Sandra said...

I guess crawling will have to do if you can not walk. Our power was out over night, big sound when it went out. It came back on just in time for me to wake up though. Sandra

beth bennett said...

At least the power was out over night; you could manage a lot with out it with a barbecue.

Good news dad has an appointment with the eye specialist this after
noon. Good I made him an appointment with his doctor.
I can now walk up stairs and had a little walk down the street and back. We will miss the Strawberry Tea which I was looking forward to.
Enjoy your company What a perfect day!
loveable mom!

nancy-Lou said...

I am so glad to see your blog! I looked for it early this morning and it wasn't there...and it always is there! I forgot that I was up earlier than usual to go to Winnipeg.

Activity is something we need to do in moderation as we age.....something I am learning too! It is not easy when we are used to "going full out".

Glad to hear you are bouncing back and can walk up the stairs etc.

It was stressful for the dogs and I, to leave them at the groomers. They had never been in the van since we brought them home from the Rescue. I am sure they thought they were going to another place to stay...they were panting. When I went to pick them up Max...the one that is more lke a Schnauser, yelped and yelped...poor fellow. Bella did her ha, ha , ha thing.
They got scalped....their fur is down to a half inch....and they have he Schnauser cut with the moustache. They will be a lot more comfortable if it ever gets hot here!


Anonymous said...

So sorry to learn of your fall yesterday. Everything went well at the strawberry tea. We didn't do as well as you do at selling books . l phoned you a couple of times but you were already out'. Take good care of yourself. Love Jane.