Sunday, June 8, 2014


“Time flies but of I am willing to fly with it, then I can be airborne too.”  -Rene Limgberg.

The amazing thing is that as we age there is till with in us the same person I  have always been.

Dad and I started out in a run down old barricks which was surrounded by dirt that turned to mud in winter.  There was a big ditch full of black stinky water into which Rick fell into.  Fortunately I was able to rescue him.  Rick and Carol were born there.  I remember sitting on the back steps watching them play in their little pool and gazing out at the field of grass blowing in the wind reminding me of the prairies.

We were the last to leave and there was the excitement of Sandra being born and the move to the new house. 
There we finally had grass and I had a lovely rose bush at the front door.  A new move but new problems.  The sceptic tank overflowed into the basement and dad had to build a huge deep ditch around our yard and fill it with gravel.  I ended up in hospital very sick and very unhappy to be there.  Having a new baby, the stress of moving, and my celiac  problems all hit me at once.

Then a year and a half later Kenny surprised us by being born.  Our family was now complete.
DSCN2810We made a move to a house with no stairs in Delta.  I made some wonderful friends there and was able to walk to the store, to church, to the beach and to the park.  At first it was with the baby carriage and then with a wagon.

We moved again when the children were older and actually y Sandra and Ken were still going to school and living with us.  Rick and Carol and Sandra got all married and all had babies.  It was fun having them all gather at our house.  We had a huge back yard with a swing set and sandbox and a big forest out back for them to explore.  We started attending Colebrook Church at that time.  Dad got interest in the Outreach group.  What a group of characters that made our meetings hilarious.

From there we moved to the house on the hill with the amazing view and lots of room for family to come stay.  What a Christmas we had when Ken came with his children and others came from Kamloops and Edmonton etc.  I was so happy to have all the family there even though it was exhausting too.  There were a few minor squabbles which happen in all families.

DSCN2829Now we are here in Delta and live in a happy neighbor hood close to stores etc.  Dad starts to have major health concerns that have resulted in painful feet, sore eyes and skin cancer.  Prostate cancer seemed to start it all off.
I do not want to be young again and I have no great unfulfilled desires like wanting to travel or play golf or tennis or go for long walks.  Maybe dad and I will walk in the forest today.

Dad has a sore back and neck and I feel a little depressed not being able to join the family at Cultus Lake.  Not the first time and probable not the last.

My message to my children is to encourage them to live with love in their hearts and a song in their souls!
Dad and I do not feel up to going to church which is unusual. 
DSCN2799 A cloudy day with a little sun peeking through.


nancy-Lou said...

How interesting to read about your various homes and how it related to your family life. You moved quite often..always very trying, especially is you were not well.I must have been so hard to have a young family and be in the hospital. Did you say that was when you got Celiac Disease?

We lived in apartments which were supplied by the police department. The wives had to answer the police, fire, 911 phones when their husbands was on duty. We also had to man the police radio! Of course..we were not was considered part of your husband's job. Sure wouldn't fine that these days.
Once Carl joined Winnipeg Police we moved to a new home in Winnipeg and in 1976, built our home in Victoria Beach and Carl started his business, Ateah Construction.We have been here 38 years. Never regretted leaving the city. We love our home. It is so beautiful here and very private. I can walk out in the yard in my nightie! Only the birds and bears see all.
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Very interesting Nancy. Good you have found such a nice place as we have too.

No I already had celiac but it was not known want I had wrong with me.

Took about 10 more years until I got extremely ill.

So of course not eating wheat was a small a small sacrifice to feel better.

love beth