Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bold, Brave, Wild and Strong

This is not me.  In act some see me as a frail older lady with a cane.  But hey they had the radar and police cars all set to catch me speeding on Scott Road this morning but I managed to get by without even being seen.

"In beauty may I walk, all day long."
The beautiful songs o the birds and the beauty of each flower and tree are a delight.  I now wander more than walk and make many stops  just to see and really take in all the beauty around me.

I see many rocks too of all shapes and sizes and it reminds me of the disciple Peter who was called a rock.  He was a leader to become a follower before he would lead again.
Peter the fisherman later to be called the Rock.  Not one to be easily influence with a stubborn and doubting nature.  He would not be one that would respond unthinking to the call of the carpenter turned preacher.

He would be standing defiantly and defensively with a scornful look on his face as he listens to Jesus teach on his boat to a crowd of people.  Words could not convince him, but maybe one who  knew how to fish, one wild and crazy like himself who brought some thing alive deep in his heart and soul.

A rock meets another more powerful rock and a life is changed.

This was after he had obey Jesus when he had failed all night to catch fish.  "Master";  he said we have worked all night long but have caught nothing.  Yet, if you say so, I will let down the nets."  When they had done this, they caught so many fish their nets were beginning to break. So they signaled their partners to come and help.

Maybe the fish responded to the Voice!  This is called natural theology which affirms God speaks through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but in the wind, the roaring of the ocean waves and in the ever changing colors of the seasons, these and many other experiences that are beautiful and enriching spiritual experience.

Yes, we did enjoy Father's day from start to finish.  It was so thoughtful of Craig and Leah to bring us some GF bread back from the States and stay and have a visit as it has been ages since we have seen Craig.  Also good to have a call from Rick.  He will be going to Halifax at the end of June but wants to attend the pool party!
I went for a little longer walk and dad went for a walk in the Water Shed Park.  We both want to be more active.
"There is a longing among all people and creatures to have a sense of purpose and worth.
To satisfy that common longing in all of us we must respect each other."   - Chief Dan George

Hopefully my computer is crumb free!  Thanks Sandra!


Sandra said...

I like rocks, and since I do not have many in my yard I am going to make a cement ball. This having to go to work sure gets in the way of hobbies. Sandra

Anonymous said...

When is the pool party?? Did Dad get my viber message ??? I have found that if we dont feed the cats the eat the birds????? oh well , they are pest birds and we need to get rid of them . They nest in the eavs and generally cause a mess . Rocky has eaten and destroyed all my plants,not happy !!

beth bennett said...

Now we have time and no energy.

I went for a much shorter slower walk so I can go with dad to the Water Shed Park.

Sounds like fun making a cement ball!

Love mom

beth bennett said...

Dad just looked now and found it.
A pool party is where you all jump in and out of the pool.

Sandra and Randy are happy with their pool and it will be wonderful when it warms up.

Love mom

Shandel said...

cool how do you make a cement ball? i think Ken was asking when the pool party was. It is at the end of June beginning July i believe. we shall see you for a party Grandma Beth at the end of July. after our Birthdays :D


Sandra said...


you should do this next time mom

beth bennett said...

I am kinda hoping there will be no next time but that is a good idea. Thanks love mom

beth bennett said...
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