Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Our walk in the park dad leads the way.  A short walk down to the picnic area.  .there we saw dragon flies, butterflies and the usual dogs.
Everything was a bright, beautiful, and very green!

A stream

A rock big enough to sit on and rest!

"Seek out that particular mental attitude
which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive,
along with which comes the inner voice
which says,  "This is the real me,"
and when you have found that attitude, follow it.
-William James


Sandra said...

I have been glad to see a few dragon flies around our yard. And even a few butterflies. Next year should be better. Good to see you and dad are walking together, that way one can run for help if the other falls. Sandra

Anonymous said...

We are in Panama City, which is close to the Equator, so very hot and humid. We've been here for a week, and leave tomorrow to go back to Caymans.Interesting placce, and not many people speak English. We've been watching a fair bit of the World Cup, which everyon ehere is watching all day every day. See you all in a few weeks! xoxo Panteli

beth bennett said...

Glad you are enjoying your holiday. We too are watching the world cup, at least one game a day.
Looking forward to seeing you back home soon.
love beth

nancy-Lou said...

It is nice that you and Larry are walking together...I miss my walking partner...Carl used to walk every day with me and our dogs...but his arthritis put an end to that.
The park looks so nice..lots of foliage...really green foliage!

Saw my doctor today, for the last time. He is going back to Libya for a visit and then coming back to work in a large city. Such a good doctor, will really miss him. I am referred to a specialist at a large hospital in Winnipeg..the infection is still there, although the pneumonia has cleared up.
How are you and Larry doing? Is your walking improving and is Larry not having as much pain?

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy I am so sorry the infection has not cleared up. Are you still taking meds. Being sick is miserable.

Larry could not walk today but went back to bed with a lot of pain. I nearly phoned the ambulance. I will make a doctor's appointment to-morrow. I do not know what to do and wish I could talk to some one.

I cannot understand why he will not go for help if he is in a lot of pain.

I am just glad today is over. I feel confused.

I tried praying ,

love beth

Shandel said...

Grandma i feel equally as frustrated about my dad and his stubborness about his health. Cameron said the same thing, "if he is in so much pain why wont he go get help?" I told him i have had enough of the waiting, its not getting better. He made an appointment to the rehab physio place, but not till July 3. I dont know exactly what the doctor said about his leg. but he claims that he was told to just ice it but i am not fooled.
I hope Grandpa will surrender to the help of the medical system. Its not fun to worry and feel like you can not do anything to help them. Lots of love to you both.
I also really love the photos you took. the green is the most beautiful color.