Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Love never fails.  -I Corinthians
Now we see but a poor reflection in a mirror, but then we the mysteries of life and death are being revealed to us through each stage of our lives.
Love is patient and kind.

Love rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always
perseveres. –Corinthians.
What a blessing to have a loving husband who is there when I need him.

“Growing older means that we will have a more than casual acquaintance with strange aches and pains in muscles and joints I never knew.”    - Angelou Maya
People start talking softer so it is time for a hearing aid.
I always want to know where the nearest is.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I have stories to tell about many different experiences.  Some I wonder if I just dreamt.
Getting older means being short of breath but long winded.
All the parts of our body are wearing out and learning to accept what was cannot do but be willing to keep trying to do our best is a challenge.  This calls for a new form of bravery.
The brain is where all our information and knowledge stored.   Even the brain becomes weary and memories become distant.
I want to use my abilities to the best I can,  I want to forget past miseries and look forward to a future.
 that holds promise.

Was working out in yard and all of a sudden \I was Humpty Dumpty, lost my balance and fell back ward off the wall.  Dad was out visiting.  I see the doctor Friday but I will be able better.  H is giving me test results,


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a concussion mom. Matthews right ear is better, the left ear id still blocked .They will give him another six weeks and if still improvement he will get grommits in his ears and adnoids out.

Sandra said...

I do not think falling and hitting your head and then going to bed is the best idea. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Good grief Beth...that is a terrible fall for you. I am glad that you were able to make it in to the house. I agree with Ken, it does sound like you have a concussion and hurting your back is something you need to have checked out too! I am hoping that you went to emergency this morning. I am worried about you...Miss Humpty Dumpty!

Here, we have Victoria Lifeline which is a little button that you wear around your neck and if you fall or need help you just press it and someone answers. I am thinking of getting it for Carl...he has a cell phone and forgets to take it with him...this he could just put on in the morning and wear all day and it is small
He had a bad fall two days ago...outdoors in our yard. He stepped on some uneven ground and has no flex in his ankle...it is fused. He fell flat forward and is bruised on his chest, but otherwise OK. I was home and heard him bellowing like a mad bull!
Like you and Larry, we often are together..but there are times when we are not and it would be handy to have Victoria Lifeline

Let me know how you are, Beth! You must be awfully sore. Healing prayers for you, my dear!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I am very sore. Dad felt bad he was not home. Getting good care. love Beth

larry bennett said...

Just for the record - when I got home from visiting a friend with Parkinsons, Beth did not mention that she had fallen, did not mention she had hurt her back, but just that she felt yucky. She felt yucky before I WENT OUT and looked terrible - I had just got angry with her before I left because she went out in this condition and started to cut the grass. Beth has this silly (drives me mad) habit of doing more work the worse she feels, - little old lady - stopped over - frail - digging - cutting - doing silly things when she should be inside taking it easy, REALLY MAKES ME LOOK GREAT TO THE NEIGHBORS - NEVER LISTENS TO ME.

Well it drives me crazy when your wife wont let you take care of her and hurts herself!!
Glad I got that off my chest!!

Sandra said...

Yes, you should have gone to the hospital mom and you should not hide things. I think that is the biggest worry for those of us just watching is that you do not make rational decisions at these times. Hiding what happened from dad it a perfect example. If you were a duck dad would clip your wings! Dont be a silly goose, and try and climb like a billy goat. Sandra

beth bennett said...

All I can do is try to be better. I have had many years in the past looking after family and having to take care of them first. I am sorry, so sorry but love me and help me to be better.
I was already feeling down when I had may last attack and my walking got crazy again.
Love to you all! love me.