Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I went for a short walk to mail a card and stopped into see Gundy on the way home.  As we talk she compares things here with some of the way things that were done in Germany.
She talks about her experiences of the war and how her dad co-operated and yet did not become a part of the army.  I just listen as she is very strong in her mind and confident in her beliefs.  Not an easy person to visit and yet she needs to be listened to and respected.
I think that both of us  agree that Hitler did some good he was an evil man.
 Life is full of contrasts which we cannot always foresee.
A  paradox of good and evil.

Jesus said I have come to give you abundant life but you must be willing to take up your cross.
There will be  pain as well as the joy as we follow his teachings especially about forgiveness and compassion.
Jesus was worshiped and adores and many were ready to make him king. 
A king to lead them to victory and to freedom of a new kingdom.
He was also rejected in his home town, and his own family did not appear to understand him;  and although he healed  many not all would be healed.  He was able to deliver many who had been taken  captive by the  powerful force of darkness and evil.

I am the light he says so come and follow me.  There may be moments of light but the darkness is always near.

This is the untouched picture which is very dark but the light is still shining.  It shines because it has absorbed the light of the day and then is able to reflect it back.
The funny thing is some people you never get close to because they do not share their pain with you.  Others share too much over and over again.  There are things in our lives that need to be brought into the light and other things it is time just to shut the door and let them be forgotten.

This is where wisdom comes in. 

We plan to visit with Howard and Vera and maybe take her out for lunch.  She will be able to leave because Leah will be there.

I need to talk to Sandra about picking up her vitamins as the time may have changed.


Sandra said...

Yes, some people get stuck in the past and let that define who they are now. Thanks for picking my pills up. I don't think they have a receptionist yet there, they are just two young girls running the place. I will get them from you sometime on the weekend. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

I find that some people are so caught up in themselves...that is all they can think about. Really, it is a very selfish way to live. It is very kind of you Beth, to take the time to visit with Gundy and to listen to her talk. Very unselfish! If only people like her would try giving of themselves, to others, they would find out what happiness is!

Off to the hospital again for another antibiotic IV. Still pretty sick and weak. See my doctor today and do not want to go in the hospital again....twice is enough!

It is a shame, that so many younger people do not go to church. As you said, they think of faith as spirituality...which to me, may be a cop out! Not sure about that...but it definitely is the easy way out!
Our minister, looks after two churches in our community. One, in Grand Marais, St. Jude`s may have to close, due to poor attendance. Our church, St. Michael`s has dinishing numbers, but it supported by the summer cottagers...which helps.

Have a nice day, Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Rest is so important. Nancy

I do pray you will not have to go back to hospital.

Mary's mother in law also has pneumonia and is not doing too well.

love beth

Anonymous said...

Matthew had superhero day at school today . He went as a footy player. Melina working all,this week and next week as well. She said after that she may be back to only fill in shifts here and there . Jesse doing exams at school.