Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Morgan and her friends are totally focused and practice over and over  

Sometimes this is the result!  I am taking pictures from a distance so I know they are not well focused and trying to take action shots is a skill that has to be developed.  It was great fun watching them.

There are many things that need to be done at home but at this time it is good to just focus on the joy of youth,  It is good to focus on happy times, because there will always be times of change that I will have to deal with.

We learn from our failures as we find ourselves faced with new possibilities and sometimes difficult choices.

As a child I was excited about going to school but also a little scared because I knew my brother did not like school.  Learning to make friends is not easy when you are a little shy with a very outgoing brother.  I wanted very much to be able to read so that was my goal.  There will always be kids that tease you or teachers that are strict and I had to learn that this was just a part of life.

"I's  a Hard Knock Life"  says the song

Right now I am trying to focus on what to read I have a choice of a good novel, a true story and a spiritual book about Jesus.

Jesus seemed eager to learn as a child and there is a big gap in his life before he starts teaching and has a focus for his life.  Was he learning to develop a  listening ear that could hear directly from God.  Once his brain was full of knowledge he was able to dump all that he knew into the minds of others.  He had to be focused because what he was teaching was so different than the teachers and scholars at that time.

Jesus was focused on his humanity and aware of the Holy!


Sandra said...

Plus doing all those hand stands will keep you warm, even though I am always warm now I still hate the thought of being hot. Missy was out till midnight last night, she is getting to know her neighbourhood, just wish she would be home a bit earlier. Hope Mathew starts to have a better time at school. And Cameron at work, he has not been enjoying it all that much yet. Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

It is nice that Morgan is so keen to practice those hand-stands. Amazing what people will do if they decide they want to do it!

I didn't know you felt shy at high school! (How does being shy relate to being runner-up Miss Roughrider of 1956? Ha ha)



Anonymous said...

Matthew's school is having Education I week this week ,parents are invited to attend classes. Melina is going to Matthews italian class then his PE class today. I am doing kinder run and getting Jasmine.

Anonymous said...

Matthew's school is having Education I week this week ,parents are invited to attend classes. Melina is going to Matthews italian class then his PE class today. I am doing kinder run and getting Jasmine.

nancy-Lou said...

Runner up for Miss Roughrider 1957? Well just wait until I tell Carl.
He'll want a pin up poster!
The roughiders have always been his team! No wonder you have such a good looking family...of course Larry has to get some credit on that too!

I was in the hospital yesterday and overnight to this morning fo inhalation therapy for bronchitis.
I have never been this sick before....on 50 mg of prednisome, daily, along with amoxxicillan and inhalation drugs. I wonder if they are working... after taking prednisone I can at least get a few things done...otherwise in bed and my house is a mess. Carl ties...but he didn't even know how to turn on the vacuum...spoiled for years! LOL
His job was to suck up all the flies that came alive with the arruval of the warm weather. Did a good tomorrow we will see what else he can do.

Take care, you two, Love,

nancy-Lou said...

Forgot to say I had a strep throat first...then this darned Broncitis.

Just came back from a 30 minute drive, one way, to the hospital for inhalation of the drugs was a on top of the 50m predisone I take once a day... I am wired at midnight and I have to drive back for 8:30 AM....twice a day. but it really helps. AND the drive is so beautiful, along the Winnipeg River, part through Fort Alexander, or as the natives named it now SAGKHEEN.