Friday, May 16, 2014


Dad has the best of both worlds as he sits by the open doors to the patio and watches the hockey game.  Very exciting and lots to cheer about and the odd groan!

The next morning as dad sits reading the paper I hear a lot of noise in our back yard.  To both our amazement the man next door has a man and his son taking down the fence between our two properties.  This was just what we were hoping for.

Right now there is no fence for privacy so the young boy waves at me as I am making something to eat.  The fence will be fixed so no dogs can escape again.
They also agree to finish the half of our fence that dad has been working on so hard.  It should really look nice when it is all done'

One of the passages I like in Revelation is the words of Jesus:  “Behold I stand at the door and knock”  as words written to the Church.  I am reminded that there is another reality that transcends the visible world and that the vision of a new heaven and a new earth has been a source of inspiration, hope and courage.

The writer of Revelation was writing about the realities of his time and about the future as he saw revealed in visions and dreams.  Messages of warnings and of encouragement.  A letter addressed to seven churches.  There was the  reality that evil was and continues  to be  present in this world but they were to be confident and take heart that the battle had already  been won.

If I put my faith in Jesus and the power of good that Jesus prayed for in his prayer Thy  Kingdom come and Thy will be done then the goodness of the Spirit of God dwells in us and with us.  We will still experience ups and downs in our daily living but learn to adjust to them.

The temple has been destroyed but now is in the heart of believers.

This is a tale of two cities, one Babylon and the other the New Jerusalem.   The tree of life in the city is for a healing of all the nations.
It is importance to see the twofold focus in this book which is a radical affirmation of the sovereignty and justice of God, and finally an end to evil.   We can be over comers as we close the door to evil, violence, prejudice, suspicion and corruption and all injustice.  We are responsible for our choices and our actions.

Where is the green button?

This is a picture of the place where we pay at the cancer clinic.  First the whole thing is hidden by a bush and there is no green button and you cannot read what is in the little display.  S0 frustrating.



Sandra said...

They are all green buttons. Good news about the fence. Lucy is feeling better after a dinner of rice and chicken. Sandra

beth bennett said...

You are so smart Sandra Bennett! Glad Lucy is better. but how are you? Your shoulder? Are you at work? Dad and I are off to the library. I am trying to do yard work but it is so trying. I am thankful that I am doing so well.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Doors...nice pic of Larry enjoying the hockey game...near the open doors.
I am grateful that I can leave our patio doors open now, into the sunroom and the dogs can use their pet door...not more jumping up every few minutes.
I like your quote, 'Behold I stand at the door and knock", All we have to do is open the door...right?
It is a beautiful day here...finally. Still too cold to think of putting plants out though.
Carl's surgeon is not going to re-fuse his ankle, he is too heavy. He is going to get a cortisone shot to help with the pain and swelling.
This week he sees the cataract surgeon for the final appointment before his surgery June 26th.
Do you have some family visits planned for the long weekend?

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I am doing pretty good. I iced my should a lot the second day and that seemed to help a lot. I dont think it will be as bad as it has been in the past. I will come by on the weekend sometime, I would think Sunday or Monday. I have to get all the toys put away and the guest rooms put back into order. Mary made a dresser for me while she was here, so I have a place to put stuff.

Mama Lee said...

Thanks for your wonderful explanation about Revelation. It certainly cleared up a lot of the 'mystery' about that book. I think our group is pretty happy that we've finished the study although I must admit it has been a very "interesting" study with not too much confusion.
Love, Lee

Anonymous said...

I love when the doors can be over to have the outdoors indoors! That is good news about your fence. Nice that your neighbours are listening and doing something about it.
Simone is adjusting to the time change, I find it's me having a harder time. As it's almost 12am here and I don't feel tired. :P
