Saturday, May 3, 2014



                   I am happy that I am not the only one that has a favorite cup. 
                    I get annoyed when it goes missing too.

I went for my walk early before the rain settled in.
Even made it down to Coyote Cree


Dad was happy staying in to watch the hockey game.  First Montreal was up and ahead but lost the game in the last five minutes.  It was an exciting game but some of those players are extremely mean.  I guess that is hockey.

I did not help at the garage sale at the church this year.  I usually work on the book table and every time someone tells me they like a certain book and I end up buying far too many.  Anyway, like Rick’s says it will give some one else a change to be the book lady!  It will be a very busy place with everyone bustling and scurrying

Friday we drove down to the River Inn where we were able to sit outside. 
Dad and I both have our favorites and of course mine is gluten-free.

Afterwards we drove to the library where cherry blossoms were swirling all around us in the wind.  A little boy had great fun running in the blossoms.  Children are so delightful and they allow you to see the world with new eyes.
Saturday it poured with rain so dad did not tackle any outside work, but enjoyed the hockey,
 but he continues to have new ideas.  Rick came back from Terrace and we went across the street to the Green Lettuce for supper.   I am always happy to do that because my cooking has not improved with age.

Three things I need every day are my walk, my rest and have fun!

I dreamt last night I snuck over to Sandra and Randy's house just to peak in the window and see them all.  It was great fun.  I cannot wait to see every one.

Good luck in your runs Michael John and Mary.  Hope it does not rain hard like it did here today.

Let us know when we can come over?


beth bennett said...

Happy Birthday Chris. See you soon.
love gramma

nancy-Lou said...

I too, have a favourite cup, Beth. It is a double walled clear glass cup I bought at Starbucks quite a few years ago. It holds 12 ounces of my favourite Earl Grey tea. We have favourite chairs you? I guess we are creatures of habit!

We had a birthday party today, for our son, Bob. It was his 53rd. We really missed his wife Melodie, who passed away a year a half ago.

I bet you had a fun filled weekend visiting with your family over at Sandra and Randys. Two great grand blessed you are! What did the babies think of each other?
I will look for some pictures tomorrow on your blog.

It sounds as though your walk is becoming said you made it down to Coyote Creek...I assume that is farther. Good for you! I am going to start walking again tomorrow....I am feeling a little better from my fall. Still bruises all over, but nothing broken, thankfully. We missed our walk for 5 days.

Love, Nancy