Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Humanity and divinity has now being revealed in Jesus.

DSCN2558I was first drawn to Jesus in the stories about him and later his words would reveal his wisdom and his compassion.  Jesus came to penetrate the hard shell of our humanity and allow his love to shine deep within us all.
His love embraces us just as we are.
His love frees us from a survival  driven existence.
His love is to be shared with others.

Love is not to be saved for a rainy day.
His love opens our eyes to see more clearly all that is beautiful and wonderful.

P5050990Life is amazing and provides remarkable experiences to tell our own unique story.

"Love marks those who would be his disciples.  I, Jesus, dwell in the love of God, you dwell in my love.  Oneness is achieved in our willingness and in our ability to love one another.  God is experienced as present in us, in our freedom to escape our needs and to give ourselves away to one another."  - John Shelby Spong

Heavy rainfall has cause flooding in basements in homes near us.  What crazy weather. 

The babies did not sleep so everyone is tired this morning.  We are invited over for supper.


Sandra said...

Wow, you were fast. We got some work done in the yard yesterday and a little shopping. Going to try and get out again today. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Winter weather has set in , cold wind about. They have a Mother's Day stall at Matthews school today , gifts for .50$ up to 7.$.

beth bennett said...

Children always have a fun time with Mother's Day.

the sun came out here and it was a lot better than all the rain.

Dad working hard in the back yard and I just puttered in the front garden.

Love mom