Wednesday, May 28, 2014


My soup did not turn out like the picture.
It did not taste so hot either so I would say it was a flop.
Back to the store and back to the recipe books
It was a failure.  But at least I am trying!

Last night was better and  even sent some home with Leah, who was picking something up and dropping off a book we left with Howard.  He is getting moved to a nicer place on Wed. today.  This will be very stressful for Howard and of course Vera and Leah.

Dad is not happy with his gate so he is going back to the drawing board.

Yes we learn from our failures.  He has redone his gate and we all thought it look good.

I wrote dad a note saying Don't Worry I have my phone as I left for my walk,
 trouble is I left the phone  with my the note and remembered about half way along.

I have failed to walk my whole walk for several days so Tuesday I did the whole way!  It was funny an elderly Chinese lady with a walker told me I should have a walker too.  Did I look that bad?  Next  met my encouraging couple with big grins and encouraging words.

Yes we all need encouraging words, whether we are starting school or starting a new project or just trying to do better!

Three cheers for Montreal hanging in there.  Very exciting games as even a 4 to 1 lead is not enough  when the other side starts scoring.  They pull out the goalie I guess they are afraid he has lost his confidence. 

                                                   Lots of prayers needed by loved ones!

Looking forward to our Jet Lag luncheon today.  Lots of laughter and fun!  I hope we do not get asked to leave the restaurant as we are used to making lots of noise at the church!


Sandra said...

Gotta get out and walking before the rain starts! I thought dads gate looked good too, though it just looked different than the fence. Sandra

beth bennett said...

It has been a lot of work but he enjoys the challenge.
Yes the weather looks iffy so I had better get going too.
love mom.

larry bennett said...

It is better now - and stronger!!

craig decraene said...

The meatloaf, potato, and asparagus was delicious. Thank you very much

beth bennett said...

Thank you Craig! We enjoy our visits with Leah and hope to see you too one of these days.

love Grama