Friday, March 27, 2015


Kimberly Ateah!  She won the Eagle Spirit Award.
Congratulations!  !

One by one we are very proud of our children and grand children and the greats too!

They each have special talents and abilities.  They work hard to do their best.

Dad and I are so very proud of Kimberly for the enthusiasm and team spirit she shows and pleased that she has been acknowledge for her efforts.

Way to go Kim!  !  Love you!  May you continue to have success in your new endeavor
Thank you Oliver for being such a good host and doing so much to give us a super happy time.
Dad and I are proud of all the things you have over come and achieved so much now.
Love you! 
May your future bring you wonderful surprizes and your surfing be a blast!


larry bennett said...

This is the letter she received from the School.

Dear Kimberly,

It is our pleasure to inform you that nominations for the Eagle Spirit Awards have been reviewed and you have been selected as one of this Spring’s recipients. You were nominated by Emily Taylor.

“Kim approached the KPU Athletics Department because she had an idea that she could get together a group of like-minded individuals to play indoor soccer at KPU. Over the past several months, the group has grown to over 30 individuals coming out each week. I believe it is largely due to her efforts that the KPU REC Indoor Soccer Tournament was a huge success on February 13th. Kim is an asset to the KPU community and has easily shown that she is a true driver of KPU Spirit!”


Anonymous said...

Well done KImbo ! Great photos Mom. Matthew has taken to playing grass hockey. Jasmine tried , but found it boring. Melina is back to work after her middle ear infection. I stayed home from work yesterday to go to the dentist, seems there is some bone exposed that really should be . The dentist says it's ok , but I will see the dental surgeon in three weeks , I don't think its right some how. It's Easter break here , kids back to school on the 13th of April. I work all Easter weekend.

beth bennett said...

I hope it the gum can grow over and you do not need any more surgery.
Sounds like you and Melina are worn out. Do rest when you can.
Sandra is leaving to see Mary. She has gone into early labour. I am praying for you guys and for Mary to have a safe easy delivery.
Love Mom

nancy-Lou said... much going on in your family...awards, births, news from down under....surfers, trips....our life is dull in contrast!

Congratulations to Kim for showing such great leadership! You "rock girl"!

I too, will add Mary and her new babe to be born, to my prayers..for an easy delivery and the blessings of a new babe.

It looks like winter here still compared to the city...we have to dress in winter clothes and boots to go to town and take a change to shoes and a lighter jacket with us. We still have snow and ice here and it is colder with the ice in the lake and the strong wind coming off it. Our springs are slow coming whereas our falls are longer.

Wishing you a good Saturday,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy for your interest and prayers for our family.

Larry had a good bike ride yesterday and I cleaned house and had a short walk.

Do hope you are getting stronger and coping with your health issues not easy.

I felt very sick to my stomach last night but willed myself not to throw up. Thankful that does not happen much anymore.

Love beth

Steady-as-rain said...

Exciting news about Kim's award and Mary's early labour!



PS I might be getting a tooth implant like Kenny.

beth bennett said...

Oh no that is not good news. I hope you have a good dentist.

Love Mom