Thursday, March 5, 2015


We now have a variety of pottery to look at every day!  Each one so different in shape and colour!  I love them all! 
Stores that use to carry just one item like a Nursery would have plants and dirt and maybe some rocks now have a great variety of things; from ornaments, shoes, clothes and even spices and candy etc.

Even book stores now carry a variety of other goods.

Today when I went visiting I realize I am seeing and learning lessons about growing old.  There are a variety of ways to do this.  They say growing old is about a state of mind, part of which is letting go of the way things use to be.

P3020112I see some who have become bitter and despairing while others confront and even fight old age with the grace of humour and the strength of faith and a positive attitude.

Something within us does not grow old when we live life from the heart that is full of compassion for others.  It is realizing what is important in life and knowing that there is an energy that comes with positive energy.

Feeling like you are a part of a family or a community gives life meaning no matter what your age!

See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil seems like a good idea too!

I wrote this last night and it published when it should have been for today.  So this is my blog for Friday.  I think I will do this now.  So there should be another one tonight.  Does this make sense?

Anyway today Friday Vera is coming for lunch and we may try to go for a movie that Kim says we should see.


Sandra said...

Peanut decided to get up at 4;30 today. It is going to be a long grumpy day for me. I guess I should visit the nursing home and take some lessons from people who have had real hardships.

nancy-Lou said...

Kim really shows her talent in her pottery....such a variety. She must be enjoying her fine arts classes. Thaks for posting the pics I like to see what she has been doing.

I love the garden stores out at the coast. It was my favourite place to go when we were out on Vancouver Island. There is such a different variety of plants compared to what we can grow here.

Growing old I think takes acceptance of what life has dealt us and some people do it better than others! Our neighbour, who is a crusty old guy, had a stroke and lost the ability to use his arms...he is very cranky and doesn`t want to live....he also has cancer. It is sad to think that he will never come back to his home and his car sits idle in the drive-way. I would be cranky too. Poor guy.

How are your walks going BethÉ...there is that French punctuation again...grrrrr. Do you go to the watershed parkÉ I saw it on a map recently and it lo0ks to be a large park.

The dogs and I will be able to walk today and most days now, with warmer temps in the forecast.sooo happy to get outdoors.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I do not understand why the French punctuation happens to me too.

I am going for my walks in the morning and sometimes take Haiti for a short walk in the late afternoon if Kim does not have time.

I was sure Sandra would note that it did not say Friday?

Dad likes to ride his bike and had a short ride yesterday. His stomach was upset which happens to us oldies.

I hate waking up at 4.

love beth

Love beth