Wednesday, March 4, 2015


P2220008Books can be placed in this little house at Boundary Park to wait for  others to pick up and read.  I have put a couple in and wonder if anyone has picked them up yet.  I will check the next time I go.  What a good idea.

We also have a table at church were people can bring their old books for others to read.

I was looking for my brain book yesterday, feeling like I needed it, but couldn't find it.  Yes, I have more than one but I always want the one I cannot find.  This morning I found it under the bed with my walker.  I often have a pile of books beside my bed that I want to read.

Some of our readers group are reading
 "Thank God For Evolution" by Michael Dowd.    Jabez Sunderland writes "Evolution teaches that the past belongs to us, a heritage infinitely rich and precious., and a stream must flow on through the present into the future, to bless that future.  If evolution means receiving from what has been, it means contributing to what shall be."

Along with this book I am reading "Paul and Jesus" about how the apostle transform Christianity.

When I get brain weary I turn to "The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules" which is good for a laugh and makes even old age a time of adventure and fun!

Yesterday dad had a complete medical and the doctor is pleased with how he is doing.

Our friend Pat dropped by and then it was time for supper and the hockey game.

Leah and Susan are coming over today and bringing lunch.  I am thankful no cooking.  I am thankful it is sunny!


Sandra said...

I think Randy's aunt Barb must have just read the book about breaking all of the rules. She called me last night, and at the age of 82/83 ish, she is leaving her nice little apartment and moving into a house by the beach! The grass will be cut for her and all maintenance done. She is very excited as she loves to decorate and buy things. She called so that Randy and I would know there is a house for us to stay at for future visits. Oh, and she told me not to tell her brother, as he would think she is crazier then he already thinks she is.

larry bennett said...

That is an adventurous lady - wish her all the best - need more like her with a spirit of adventure - and maybe even a teensy bit crazy !!

nancy-Lou said...

What a super idea.....a little kiosk for books....a "take some, leave some idea.
I think Victoria Beach should do this in the summer time.

The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules, sounds like a "hoot". Will check it out at our library.

Sandra...what a great story about the aunt and moving to the beach....yay for her!

I hope Ken heals sure is no fun having a lot of teeth pulled. Our son had all his teeth pulled out last year and the dentures went right in...he couldn;t take them out for a few days and they had to to rinse etc. They fit really well. He had implants and it was a lot of money..but worth it for him. Feel better soon, Ken.

We nearly froze yesterday when we were in was -20 and the wind chill was -35. BRRRRRR. Apparently a warming trend is on the way but it comes with a threat of a big snow next week. Time will tell!

How nice of Leah and Susan to bring you lunch...have fun.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Every time the canucks play live on TV here , they lose!
48 hours until back to work. Melina has done a good job looking after me. Jasmine has helped a little. Melina is working tonight and I will have to pick up the kids from school and make dinner.

beth bennett said...

I have always found you do not get spoilt for too long, but I am sure Ken you are far from feeling well.
Take care and get lots of rest!

Still praying.

love mom