Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Lose your worries.
P3110175“Come on get happy-get ready for the judgement day”

I do not know about the judgement day but I am ready to join our hilarious bible believers in another session of questions and answers about Paul and his writings,
The study is about spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost as I grew up calling him.
This actually is a good picture of this friendly ghost flying around blessing people.

Most of us know what gifts we have and we may desire to have the strengths and gifts that others have.  Our church does not stress any gifts except for those of compassion, service and to be supportive of the poor, especially those treated unjustly. 
P3020099I am thankful that I did go to other churches where things were a lot more lively and people shared their gifts of worship. lifting their hands and praising God with their whole being, of prayer, and sharing words of knowledge.  It gave me insight into what Paul was teaching about with gifts of prophecy, healing and words of wisdom.  There were teachers who came to teach us about the gifts and encourage us to use them.
Evidently Paul was very funny looking, short with bandy legs and funny hair, maybe even red.  He could sure write and had definite opinions about religion.  Religion was formed by Paul not Jesus but hopefully Paul was really influenced by the spirit of  Jesus. 

My thoughts started by thinking how our sense of humour differs from Kim's but she always can get us laughing.

Dad had a good ride on his bike and fortunately missed the rain.  His bike is not happy in the rain.

I am not happy with my virus and I even yelled at it to-day.

Dad and I are not happy because we are both having trouble sleeping but I know that at our age that is not unusual.  I am like you Melina I wake up easy with any noise I think it is a mom thing.

Sweet dreams to us all!  


nancy-Lou said...

W@hat a pretty pink plant Beth. Is it in your yard? Do you know the name? I know it would never grow here and I cannot keep a garden because of the deer...they totally ruined all I had. Carl had to make me tall plant they couldn't reach it by standing on their hind at least I can have a few hanging pots.

Paul the people's aspotle....that is what I remember. I always liked his writings and found them fairly easy to follow compared to some. Glad you are enjoying your bible class.

Spring has officially arrived at VB...the crows are here. They arrived overnight with a strong southerly wind. We still have tall snow banks and icy roads, but the snow is going quickly now. I am sure " old man winter" will show his face a couple more times with cold and snow...but at least we know he is almost gone!

I am off to see my doctor this morning at Fort ALexander. Just a 20 minute ride....

have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Those dratted computer problems sure can steal your happy. May have downloaded something last night that is now taking over our Mac, and I hate Mac's because I do not know how to find anything on them.

Stupid people making stupid viruses!

beth bennett said...

Yes, Sandra that is how I feel. How can this "thing" take over so you cannot do anything. So far this morning it is working.

Dad is very patient about working through the problems not me!

Nancy hope you get a good report from the doctor.

I will be visiting today.
ove mom