Sunday, March 29, 2015


New birth is a birth of love and promise.

The birth of spring is the amazing sign of new life that has perservered over the long winter months.
DSCN5720The unseen becomes seen in all it's beauty and glory.  This is the story of Easter as once again we journey on the road to the cross with Jesus, as he rides in humility and with a spirit of peace for us to follow.-chi

I am reading "How God Changes Your Brain".

In the chapter on prayer and meditation the effect of both these practices, along with yoga and chi stimulate pre-frontal area of the brain, areas essential for keeping one's mind focused on a task.

There is also benefit to the basal ganglia, lying deep in the center of the brain.

The brain will respond because of it's plasticity the key was to meditate and practice for at least 12 minutes.

The practice recommended is called Kirtan Kriya which can be done by the religious or non-religious.

Begin by focusing on your breathing which in itself can reduce stress and anxiety.

Secondly is the repetition of sound like sa, ta, na, ma which can be said aloud or sung.

Third is movement of touching the fingers with the thumb while repeating the sounds.

Repetition of movement or sound is found in Buddhism, Islam as well as Christian.

Sometimes it is the simple things that can affect change.

It  is pouring rain like a bucket of water is being dumped over us from above.  Get ready for the earthquake we are advised but maybe we should be building an Ark.

DSCN5731Loved seeing the pictures of Gramma Sandra making cookies with Simone.  Was Mary walking laps around the place to get her labour in motion again.  Lit a candle said a prayer for Mary for a safe delivery and a healthy baby and knew the church supported me in my prayer.  Our church service seemed to have renewed energy today which is good!

Dad and I have been invited to Carol and Panteli's so it will be good to be out of the house and enjoy their company.


Sandra said...

No laps, just a short walk out in the wind. THere is a lot of ice from the melting and refreezing. We walked around Ikea yesterday and that did not help either.
I guess Sebastien will come when he is good and ready, just like every other baby.

nancy-Lou said...

Easter Week is here along with the various traditions of our church including the foot washing. I will go to church Easter Sunday when the children present the Noah's Ark art work they did.

Tai Chi for me is a meditative exercise...when I do it properly and know what I am doing it is an almost " out of the world experience". I am going to start back again...but will be pretty rusty. It is good training for the brain and the a gentle way.

We still have snow in the bush....but it will soon be gone with warm temperatures this week.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I seem to need a different schedule finding it hard to meditate or pray because Morgan arrived early Monday morning.
Another fun and busy day,
\love mom