Monday, March 16, 2015


Down to our last banana!
                                                  Good and ripe just like dad likes it.
Miracles do happen when Kim goes shopping.  Now we have a rich assortment of good fruit!

Dad eats up the last banana and is off racing to the Water Shed Park and beyond.  He has a grand ride.  Then even though he is aching all over he goes shopping to Value Village for a new shirt to wear to Ben's concert in Chilliwack.  What great fun.

It is a lovely sunny morning but a little crazy for me.  I have dropped an egg and yes it broke, next I spill coffee grinds all over, another mess to clean up. I have looked through my pill of cards everything from birthdays to Christmas cards but no get well card so rush to the store with uncombed hair (I am sure it is the style). 

I want to send a card to a dear old friend.  I was actually at the bed side of his mom praying for her when she passed away many; many years ago, and he has been so grateful.

This is from the card I picked.

"Off times, life's path seems filled with things that make the going rough.
But if we pause a moment and remember Who's in charge, the hills that loom ahead of us no longer seems so large.
And every rock before us, when we know we are not alone, becomes, not just a stumbling block. but one more stepping stone."

"You've overcome so many things and every time you've grown in the wisdom that you have shown."

Know that you are surrounded by love and that God's grace will guide you!

So I did some shopping, mailed my card, walked the dog, did some weeding and talked on the phone to Sandra.  The news is out about Kim taking a summer job and leaving Haiti here to look after us.  She will be working at a Lodge on an island outside Prince Rupert.

That girl loves adventure so we are not surprised.

Mary's two daughters came over to ask if we could be on the call alert if anything happens when no one is there.  Mary is 93 and I do not think she should be on her own.  I am hoping some one will be there at night.  Linda will come over and we will find out more.

Dad wins the prize for top banana today!


Sandra said...

I am glad that my phone call made the news real considering all the other excitement. Same old, same old around here. Randy working hard, me doing school. Talked to Michael John yesterday and they get bad news, there roof is leaking into their dining room and has to be replaced. Not good news when you have a baby due in a couple of weeks.

beth bennett said...

That is such a shame. Bad things happen just when you do not need them.

P.S. I pressed published because of my problems.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Well I think you tied with Larry and won the "top banana award too". I loved the humorous comments, they made me chuckle!

Good for Kim...loving adventure and living large! It is good to do all you can when you are young.

Being on call for answering alerts is not an easy thing....Carl used to be on a list for security firms for a number of clients and getting up in the middle of the night and having to go out when there were alarms was not fun. I know this is a medical alert, but just the same it is am obligation.

I guess you had " the dropsy| today.....happens to me too!

It has been busy with organizing painting workshops....I have three to teach in April and one in May. One is in conjunction with a show of a local artists paintings. She passed away years ago and our local library have collected her works and are having a show for her, posthumously. The workshop is in conjunction with the show. I decided to teach a watercolour of the Winnipeg River...which flows nearby.

The snow has almost disappeared except for some large drifts but the back roads are very icy....have to drive carefully. The highway is good....we are going to Winnipeg tomorrow for a recall on the Toyota Sienna van also to get our completed income tax forms.

The crows are back in great numbers...having noisy meetings and looking for anything that resembles food at the bird feeder.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

We used to have two crows that came into our back yard every summer but not any more. We seem to be having less crows but lots of birds singing.
Have a safe drive.
love beth