Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I am trying to figure out how I am doing making my brain smarter.  The first step is to keep calm and not get stressed.  There always seems to be choices like whether we should go to the funeral for our neighbor Scotty.  It is at a church in Vancouver.  Since we do not know anyone we decide it would probably be stressful and tiring.  Dad and I will visit Mary in the weeks to come when others are back with their own lives.

It was eerie to see them come out of the house, as I return from my walk in the deep fog, with all their black clothes on.

Fortunately  the sun shone and the day improved so dad could go for his bike ride and then we both cut the lawn.  I came in and turned on the computer to find another virus had locked everything up.  I find this stressful. 

I did do my Bible lesson for Wed. Jet-lag so that is good for my brain if I keep trying to learn and also the social part is very important.

Prayer and meditation help but can wear off during the day.

I had to laugh when I went on my afternoon walk and a 4 year old on a bike speeded out of the drive-way followed by her old East Indian grandpa.  She was so far ahead I worried about her crossing the street ahead of him.  The funny part was she had to stopped him from walking out in front of the car when he got there.

Children are very smart today.  I made two healthy meals but both of us had cookies for desert so I have to keep working on sugar!


Anonymous said...

Matthew and Jasmine had their first parent teachers interviews today . Jasmine amused the teacher when asked to do a task and relpied" I dont wantto " the teacher replied , what if i said i didnt want to teach you ? She replied " thats ok , you dont have to " . Matthew is doing well maybe moving up to the top group in class ...extra homework they said .Melina so tired , she was up at 3am ( dog and kids and my getting home also disrupted her sleep ) She feel asleep ringing me to say good night. Last late shift for me , should be home by 1am.

Sandra said...

Another long stretch for Randy at work, he left yesterday will be home tomorrow. Was not able to fall asleep for some reason. I should have put on that meditation from Susans web sit.
Definately NOT the monks that Panteli listens too.

larry bennett said...

I Should put that on too. I am having trouble sleeping.
Jassy reminds me of the little girl at church who is the same age.
she dances or lies on her back and puts her feet up in the air when her grandpa reads the story.
love mom

Anonymous said...

There is lots of monk music that doesn't have the anti-pork commercial! Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

hey.....I like the monk music too! It stirs the soul!

Beth have you heard of the online game called Lumonosity? It really gives you brain a work out...with memory games and games that test how quickly you can think etc. They have a free trial and I think you would really enjoy it and it would stimulate your brain too! They have various levels from beginner upwards.

Have a good night's sleep.

Love, Nancy