Friday, March 27, 2015


Balance is so important in life.
DSCN5583Balancing work with time to relax.
Balancing on a surfing board.
Or just balancing when you walk.

These are the waves that crashed all around Ben while Oliver was teaching him how to surf.  He tried really hard but a few more lessons will be needed to be able to balance on a surf board like his Uncle Oliver.  The bigger the waves the more exciting it is for him.  He certainly lives in the right place for riding the waves!

DSCN5705On the way home on the ferry Ben and Morgan find these games which took their total concentration.

A game of keeping the car on the right side of the road and    not to crash into other cars etc.  They took it very seriously.

Yesterday it was sad to see one of the ladies I visited has lost her balance and is afraid to walk alone.  She is taking her meals in her room and I hope her daughter comes soon to see why this has happened.  It is sad to see how quickly they can start to fail and it is also a reality check for me.  Of course none of us know what our future will be which I guess is just as well.

Bit by bit we lose the optional balance of neuroplasticity  in our brains which affects our memory, our coordination, attention span, information processing, problem solving and social decision making skills.  Our brains dry up.  My book talks about the benefits of meditation and how it can help the aging brain.  I really must read the next chapter!

Also we take so many things for granted that we do each day.

Dad worked on fixing a drain pipe today so did not get out on his bike. 

To balance the stress of a day I find a relaxing bath or the serenity of quiet prayer helpful.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, a good long soak in the bathtub can have a calming effect.



Sandra said...

I think I should do that tonight, have a nice soak in the tub, it will be the last one I get to have for at least a couple of weeks.
Exciting and exhausting times ahead!

beth bennett said...

I am praying for you all.

Wish I could be there.

Will miss you~

love Mom