Tuesday, March 3, 2015


What a beautiful picture on my calender for March.  I know that Lincoln and Simone have changed a lot since these pictures were taken.

Dad was remembering the stress of his work as an air-traffic controller while I think back to my hectic days with four small children.  The youngest on my hip as I made breakfast for the older ones.  Making sure everyone got dressed, hair brushed and teeth cleaned.  Being the referee when battles over a toy or a game started.  I never figure out who was cheating every time a game was played but Sandra always caught them cheating.

I did a fair bit of yelling too to catch their attention.

Studies of infants three months or older suggest we are born with compassion for others, a penchant for fairness and the ability to know what is cruel and kind and knowing that it is fair to be rewarded and punished when they are good or bad.  Of course I did not know that way back then.
Dad and I took a drive around the old neighbourhood on our way to drop off the card.
Not only has our house changed but the whole neighbourhood.  It use to have a country feel to it when we drove through many years before we bought there. It is sad to see it all change. 

Now all the houses are getting bigger.  Like this house next to the Donald's house where Sandra helped look after the children.  Ken will remember Anne I think as she was often at our house. the days when I filled in and I would bring them back to our house and we would all have lunch together.
This is our old house that has been completely changed.  It is hard to take drive by pictures even though dad did slow down a bit.
Lots of good memories for all of us.

My morning walk to Boundary Park on March 2nd. 
The sun just coming up.

"When we look at life through the eyes of love and through the eyes of the heart, everything changes. The world outside may or may not change, or may not appear to our liking, but when we change how we're it, when we move from our thoughts to the feeling of love, everything in the world around us appears different."
-Marci Shimoff

Things change but love remains.


Sandra said...

That house is just too grand for Surrey. It should be in the city somewhere. Silly people.

"Met" with the other 3 woman in my group last night. 2 from Ontario and 1 in Saskatchewan. I have been assigned as the leader to our project. They all work for large companies with thousands of employees.

Oh well.

Anonymous said...

24 hours on stiches are starting to get ichy. The pain is coming on a bit as I heal. I don't want to take the drugs. But if you don't the pain sneaks up on you. The canucks game is live on Australian pay TV today. So I am happy.
I am on days off until Saturday. If the pain or st he's won't allow me to put my teeth back in I will stay home on the weekend as well.

larry bennett said...

Dad and I are watching the game too. Hope the Canucks catch up in the 3rd.
Sounds like a miserable time but take the drugs as they help you heal is what I was told.
Our friend was over and she is having pain from a dry socket after two teeth pulled.
Pain is no fun.
Love mom

larry bennett said...

I did not get by the robot!

Steady-as-rain said...

I think you did a very good job, Mom, with us four young children. Everybody does their best as a parent and that's all you can do. Children are resilient, and that's good.

And now others are balancing babies on their hips ... and the cycle goes on.



PS I'm not afraid of no robot!